Lindhart X Reader- Naps in the field

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Spring was finally here. At last, Lindhart could finally enjoy his naps in the field, camouflaged by the high grass and the multiple flowers and plants surrounding him, as the sun radiated its rays of sunlight over him. Lindhart was finally able to smell those sweet flowers and touch them with the tip of his fingertips. The soft breeze blew throughout the field and through his green hair. He just wished he could stay like this forever. To him, this was paradise, an escape from reality, of some sort.

"Lindhart?" A voice spoke out of nowhere nowhere, breaking the sweet silence Lindhart enjoyed.

He opened his eyes narrowly, just the right amount so he could see who had disturbed his nap and not be obliterated by the sunlight, "... (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) was wearing a long, black dress with puffy sleeves, as well as a straw hat, to protect her from the sun. She hated the sun.

She nodded and lowered herself so she could be at the same level as him, "What are you doing here? Enjoying the sun?"

He shrugged, "I was. But then you came."

"I didn't disturb you did I?", feeling a little guilty for disturbing him, (Y/N) slightly frowned.

Lindhart, not  wanting to make her feel bad (when it was not even her fault and she had just happened to find him), teased, "Come now (Y/N), don't make faces like that. Even if you did disturb me a little, I am very happy that you came here."

Even after his little friendly tease, she didn't seem convinced.

"How about you lay down?" Lindhart spoke, tapping the grass next to him. Hesitant at first, she lay down the soft grass, next to the young man.

Their interaction ended, marking the beginning of the sweet silence Lindhart craved. (Y/N) kept her eyes open, looking up at the blue sky above her. Only after a few minutes was she able to close them. Breathing slowly; inhaling, exhaling. (Y/N) felt the soft breeze run through her hair.

(Y/N) heard shuffling beside her, she half-opened her eyes to see Lindhart much closer to her then before, smiling at her. She didn't say anything and so did he.

Lindhart yawned, "I am feeling a little drowsy. Care to take a nap with me?"

(Y/N) confused, shrugged.

"Come closer."

She didn't understand. They were already rather close. How closer could they be? Lindhart opened his arms, "Dont keep me waiting." She finally understood, but she was a bit embarrassed to do so. But before she could say anything, she was dragged in by Lindhart himself into his arms, holding her into a warm embrace.

(Y/N) skipped a beat. She was almost trembling and could feel her blood rushing to her cheeks.

"(Y/N)! Calm down, will you? You are as stiff as a board! I'm not going to eat you," he teased, followed by a lighthearted chuckle.

Minutes passed, then hours. (Y/N) grew more and more confortable being in his arms. They were so warm. After staying awake, she was finally able to close her eyes and let herself go in a nice nap, in company of the sleepy, green haired man she started to develop feelings for.

I hope Lindhart doesn't seem out if character in this, becaus to me he does for some reason. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and good day/night!

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