Annette X Reader- Weakness (Request)

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Request: @Mahdytepig
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Word count: 650
Gender: Male
Additional Info: Annette X Shy!Reader (but not really)


(Y/N) had no weaknesses. Nothing seemed to scare him, not even a little bit, or at least that's what Annette concluded.

'But he surely has some kind of weakness,' she thought, 'He can't be that great!'

She made it her mission to find (Y/N)'s weakness, his weak spot.

The girl tried to be as discreet as possible, trying to find something that might scare him.

She put frogs, snakes, spiders, different kinds of insects in his field of vision- Nothing, not even an ounce of fear on his face. He befriended them, even.

What scared an individual the most? She tried all sorts of different animals.

Annette sprayed him with water. (Y/N) laughed and joined in on the fun, spraying her with water as well. In the end, Annette had completely forgotten about her experiment, but when she headed to her dorm room after the fun, she went back to her question.

'What scares an individual the most?' She asked herself for the hundredth time.

"What scares an individual the most? The dark, I think! So many bad things are associated with the dark. It's not hard to find someone who's scared of it," Mercedes told her once, and Annette believed her.

Well, that meant only one thing. She had to see if (Y/N) was scared of the dark.


Annette sent (Y/N) a note, telling him that an important letter would come for him at a certain hour of the night.

She was certain it would work, because why wouldn't he come? And good thing she was right, because he did come, but not without fear on his face.

The boy was shaking in his boots, as he looked around him, extremely nervous. It was clear: he was nervous.

"So you do have a weakness!" Annette proudly shouted to conclude her experiment. She jumped out in the open and (Y/N) was so scared that he screeched.

"Goddess! I-I... Annette!" When he realized it was her, he sighed with relief, although his heart was still recovering from the shock, beating too fast.

The shock was so great that he was almost left teary eyed, "I... I thought you were a bandit or... or something!"

He sat down, shaking to the core, for he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm waiting for a letter," he finally said.

"I... I wrote you that note. I was lying about the letter," Annette muttered, ashamed.


"The letter doesn't exist... I'm sorry," she apologized, "I should've found out what your weakness was another way."

"Why did you need to know that? That's not really nice, Annette," he shoulder, "That's private information!"

"I really wanted to know because you seem so... perfect!"

"Well, I'm not! Everyone has weaknesses," he said. He gulped, then looked back at her, worried, "Please don't tell anyone- That I'm scared of the dark."

"I won't. I promise. I'm so, so sorry," Annette tried her best to apologize.

"You have to promise! I don't want anyone to know about it! Promise!"

(Y/N) was nervous because usually, when people back when he was a child, found out about his weakness, they would tell it to everyone. People would make fun of him for it. He definitely did not want his first year at the academy to start that way.

"I promise! I promise!" She exclaimed, but he still didn't seem convinced.

"How can I know you're not lying?"

"I would never lie to you. I promise."

For a moment, he stood quiet, but then he sighed, "I trust you, but if you break my trust... There will be consequences."

That was all he said, and he had sounded so serious when he said it, that even when Mercedes asked her about the 'weakness question' her friend had been having, Annette said nothing.

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