Camilla X Reader- Peace's festival (Request)

404 8 3

Request: @crazyjt5150
Warnings: None
Word count: 1168
Gender: Male
Additional Info: None

Cultural appreciation is awesome, you guys!!!
There's too many people that mistake it sometimes (emphasis on sometimes because some other times, it really is cultural appropriation and that is extremely WRONG) for appropriation when people are just enjoying someone else's culture and wants to express their love for it!!! I don't know about you guys but if someone wore a traditional garment from my own country, I would SCREAM (OF HAPPINESS BECAUSE ROMANIA IS UNDER-APPRECIATED). Please learn how to differentiate appreciation from appropriation!!!
Anyways, enjoy!

The war was finally over, and peace was now well established all over the continent.

It was now time for feasts, parties, and celebration, which was why Hoshido and Nohr planned a grand festival gathering both of their vast cultures to celebrate peace.

The festival was indeed, very grand, and many showed up, from both kingdoms, including the royals themselves and their partners.

Princess Camilla and her significant other, were the very picture of a celebration between the the two vastly different cultures, as the princess came from Nohr and (Y/N), now a Nohrian prince, was originally from Hoshido.

As Camilla and (Y/N) walked around the streets overfilling with stands for the festival, the princess couldn't help but exclaim her interest and amazement, as (Y/N) took the time to explain to her all the foods, clothing and even traditions of Hoshido.

"How fascinating this all is! There really is so little that I know about Hoshido. I'm glad you're with me, dear, or else I'd truly be lost!"

"And I feel the same way about you. Nohr is very diverse in its own way, just as much Hoshido is," and he smiled, as he took a look around, "That's why I like this festival so much."

"I would try everything here if I could, but I think I'd throw up if I ate too much, and I don't think Xander would be too happy if I spent too much," she sighed, "The war took a real toll on the royal treasury."

"Well, let's not think about the war too much," (Y/N) quickly added when he noticed Camilla take on a gloomier expression when she remembered the damage the war caused to Nohr, "It's over now, and you'll see, in a year or so, everything will be completely back to normal again. Let us think of other things... Oh! Look! Here's an idea!"

"What's your idea, dear?" She softly asked, looking back at him with a soft smile. She always appreciated (Y/N)'s optimism.

"We'll go our separate ways-"

"I wouldn't dare get separated from you!"

"No, but trust me. You'll like it- See... The both of us must buy something for the other- a garment and a type of food we know the other would adore and that is very dear to one's heart- from their own kingdom, of course. We'll discover something knew and it'll be fun!"

Camilla thought about it for a moment, before chuckling, "Sure. If that's what you'd like us to do, then we'll do it. But let's not stay apart for too long, alright? I'd still like for us to stroll around the festival hand in hand."

"We'll have a time limit- Half an hour?"


And so the two parted ways.


(Y/N) roamed around the Hoshidan stands, until he fell upon a certain stand where they were displaying a certain array of various fabrics.

A woman came up to him. She probably was the one running the stand. She looked at (Y/N) and asked him, "Interested, good sir?"

"Would you have anything of the like in the color purple?"

"Sure I have! Let me show you!" And she began to show him another display of similar fabrics that she pulled out from a box. (Y/N) looked at all of them with great interest, and he seemed to be picking between two fabrics in particular.

"You know, sir, I believe I have something with those two specific patterns, somewhere in those boxes. Would you like me to pull it out for you?"


Camilla too avidly looked around the stands for something (Y/N) could like the stands, until she stopped in her tracks, enraptured by a wonderful smell.

"Pastries! How wonderful is that!"

"Princess Camilla! What an honor it is to have you today. What can I get you?"

"Hm... So many options! I wouldn't know what to get!" And she laughed, but seriously, she was lost. Everything smelled so good, you couldn't blame her!

"Would you like me to make a pastries arrangement? I could put it in a box."

"You know what, dear? That sounds lovely. I'll do that."

The woman opened a box, and as Camilla dictated whatever pastry looked good enough, the woman put them, one by one, in the box, until it was full.

"On the house!" The baker said, as she handed her the box full of delicious pastries.

"Oh, no! I couldn't. Let me pay..."


Half an hour passed, and both lovebirds met on time at the same spot where they left each other. Both of them were holding two boxes, containing their findings.

"Who's first?"

"I'll go! Let me!" Camilla chuckled, as she gave one of her boxes to him.

He opened it, and as soon as he did, the smell of pastries engulfed him.

"Pastries! And not just one kind either..."

She laughed, "I couldn't choose."

"I can see that. Now's my turn, then."

"Oh, I can't!"

And as (Y/N) handed him her box, he told her, "I'll start with the food first, then."

"It's only right... Oh! How great!"

It was a box filled with two or three bags of Hoshidan sweets.

"Those are my favorites. I thought it'd be nice to show them to you, and maybe we could even share, if you'll allow me," he sheepishly admitted with a chuckle.

"Oh, (Y/N)! You're so cute! Of course, we'll share! And I cannot wait to taste them with you!"

Finally, it was time for the garments. Camilla gave hers first. It was a pair of original, leather boots, made in Nohr and of the highest quality. It cost her a fortune, and with that in mind, it was difficult for (Y/N) to accept it, but Camilla told him that spending money on him was a guilty pleasure of hers and it would be a shame to throw away such a pair!

(Y/N), with his new boots in his hands, gave Camilla his own box, the last gift.

Camilla almost screeched when she opened the box.

"A garment! And it's a purple one too!" She took it out of the box and looked at in awe in its entirety, "It's a... yukata!" (I hope that's what it's called?)

"Do you like it?" He quietly asked, quite nervous.

"Do you like it?" She repeated in disbelief. Her eyes were glued to the beautiful garment, "I love it! I cannot wait to try it!"

"I'm glad- Really glad."

"It's in moments like these, (Y/N), that I remember why I love you so much. You are so kind and thoughtful."

"So are you. It's one of the thousands of reasons why I love you. Now," he raised his hand, "Shall we?"

She took his hand and looked at him lovingly, "We shall."

And so they walked down the streets, looking at the stands, hand in hand. It was a wonderful evening, where cultures were appreciated to the fullest, and people bonded in harmony.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now