Siegbert X Reader- The prisoner (Request)

122 7 4

Request: @X-Outcasts
Warnings: None
Word count: 795
Gender: GN
Additional Info: Siegbert X Hoshidan Prisoner! Reader

I wasn't sure from the request if the reader was supposed to be male or female so in this oneshot, their pronouns are (you guessed it) they/them.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I'm sorry. I will go, if I'm bothering you-"

"Wait," the prisoner approached the bars of their cell to take a closer look over at the young man on the other side.

"You must be the young prince- prince Siegbert, right?"

"Hum... Yes. Yes, that's me," the prince shyly approached the prisoner's cell.

"Yeah, I remember you. You were sitting next to the Crown Prince during my trial. What are you doing in a place like this? Aren't princes supposed to... I don't know... Stay in fancier places? Like the interior of a palace? Not down here, at least, where rot the prisoners."

The prince furrowed his brows at that remark.

"I was just visiting. That's all."

"Visiting who? Why?"

For a moment, he became bashful and said nothing.

The prisoner chuckled, "You enjoy seeing people suffer and rot in prison, prince?"

At that mere thought, Siegbert was quick to interject.

"The opposite! I don't think it's right. The punishment you're getting."

(Y/N), the prisoner, raised a brow, curious.


"Spending time in prison is a terrible sentence compared to what you've done. You were simply fighting for your country, for what you believe in. What harm is there in that? Why must you suffer because of what you fight for?"

"That's just war, my prince," the prisoner sighed, "Believing in anything that goes against what the other believes in becomes a crime for the other."

(Y/N) was a Hoshidan and they had thought hard for their country until they were caught by Nohrian forces and brought to the capital. Now, they were to rot in prison.

"It's true, and that's just wrong. War is wrong. It's as simple as that."

"I'm glad you agree," the prisoner sighed, as they sat down next to the bars of their cell, "But unfortunately, I don't think your opinion matters much."

Siegbert frowned. He didn't want to admit it but he knew (Y/N) was right.

"You came to see someone in particular, prince?" (Y/N) quietly asked, turning to Siegbert.

"You," he lightly blushed, "I wanted to see how you were doing. Down here."

(Y/N), a little surprised, couldn't help but become a little bashful.

"Well," they muttered, "Could be worse. I never thought I would actually end up in prison, though. That's for sure."

Both of them remained quiet. Siegbert sat down next to (Y/N) on the floor. And, despite the bars separating them from each other, for the first time in a while, (Y/N) felt less alone.


Ever since that day, Siegbert would come to visit (Y/N) in their cell and make sure they were getting the right treatment from the guards and edible food from the kitchen.

(Y/N) was forever grateful for the prince's kindness but Siegbert knew that what he was doing would never be enough.

"I sometimes wish I could do more, but no matter what I say, my father won't hear reason and won't listen to whatever I have to say."

"It's alright, prince. You're doing more than enough. Ever since your arrival, the days are passing by quicker and I'm feeling better."

(Y/N) devoured the chicken offered by the prince in a few quick bites, much to his surprise and admiration.

"You seem to be enjoying your meal, at least. So there's that," he noted with a melancholic smile.

"It's delicious. It's funny," they laughed, "I never thought I would ever eat my finest and most delicious meals in prison, of all places."

Siegbert couldn't help but chuckle too, "It's true that it's out of the ordinary."

But his eyes were still displaying the sadness from before. (Y/N) couldn't help but notice his downward gaze.

"Prince, you are doing more than enough. And I thank you for everything you have done for me until now. Don't trouble yourself over my future. When the war will be over, I'll be out of here."

"And do you think the war will be over soon? Between Hoshido and Nohr?"

"I don't know," (Y/N) muttered, pensive, "Soon, I hope."

"I hope so too."

"But until then, I guess it's just going to be me and this cell," the prisoner then looked at Siegbert, "And I'm assuming I'll be seeing more of you, too."

"Until you'll grow tired of me. Then, I'll leave this place as fast as I came."

(Y/N) laughed, "Tired? No, never. I like you."

"Well," Siegbert lightly blushed. No one had ever told him he was fun before. Usually, people said the opposite, "I-I'll stop by more often, then."

"Until the war is over. You promise?"

The prisoner snuck their hand between one of the prison bars for Siegbert to shake.

"I promise."

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