Male!Byleth X Reader- Foreign Class and Wyvern (Request)

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More info: Male!Byleth X Reader!Malig Knight!

Hey guys! I hope y'all enjoy this oneshot. It's not amazing but I hope it's enjoyable, nonetheless.
This was requested by @PunkMewtwo! Enjoy!

After a long mission, (Y/N), a knight of Seiros, finally came back to the monastery, exhausted, enough to just be able to quickly get her wyvern to the stables, then go to bed.

While on her way to the stables, the new professor, Byleth had noticed (Y/N)'s beautiful dark scaled wyvern he had never seen before in Fódlan, on which she'd charge into battle. But from what he had seen, he was confused, yet fascinated about what she was using into battle: reason and an axe.

It was quite an odd combination, he thought. Something he had never witnessed before. Was it some new class he wasn't aware of?

Byleth, very intrigued, sought to ask his students the next day after the lectures were over, about this matter.

"Students, before you leave- May I have your attention?"

His students, who were about to leave, sat back on their chairs, the attention drifted to the professor.

"Is something wrong, teach?" Claude asked, a tad bit concerned.

"Well whatever it is, please make it quick- I have a tea party to attend."

"Wait- You actually get invited to tea parties?" Lysithea said in sarcasm.

Lorenz, offended, brought his hand to his chest, "Lysithea!"

"A tea party? Who's the host?" Hilda asked, joining in on the conversation.

"Well, good thing you asked, because it's-"

"Students! Silence, please."

The room went quiet.

"Thank you. So, do you guys know of the knight of Seiros by the name of (Y/N)?"

"Oh, the one with the lovely dark scaled wyvern?" Marianne spoke softly from the end of the classroom.

Everyone turned around. Marianne never spoke often, so this was a surprise to them.

"Wait, you know her?"

"W-Well, not really, but I've only talked to her once back at the stables..."

"Do you have any idea what class she is in? I've been trying to figure it out myself, but I don't seem to be able to grasp what it is. Has she told you?"

"H-Hum, it's called Malig... Knight?"

"Hm. Never heard of that before. Must be foreign or something," Leonie thought.


"What does a Malig Knight use anyways?"

"An axe and... reason."

"Weird combination, but okay."

"Weird but epic! It sounds awesome! I'd love to try!"

"Hum, Raphael, I think you might be a bit too... large to mount a wyvern," the purple haired noble remarked.

"Wow, rude, Lorenz," Hilda said.

The classroom soon enough got into a heated conversation about the matter.

By the end of it, everyone was willing to participate in discovering what this foreign class was about.

The professor was quite happy to have his students help him in this not so difficult task, and was quick to set up a date for them to try out this class, with (Y/N) permission of course.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora