Seteth X Reader- Changes (Request)

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Request by: @Stardewey
Warnings: None
Genre: No idea (?)
Gender: Female
Word count: 1962

I was supposed to post the Ferdinand C Hubert Oneshot first, but I just happened to finish this one first so I thought that I might as well post it.
The Ferdibert Oneshot will come out soon though so stay tuned✨✨
Anyways, I actually had a lot of fun writing this!! I'm not even into dilfs (I'm more of a milf girl myself), but I'm willing to make an exception for Seteth... for reasons 👀


No one actually thought she'd show up.

Out of every Blue Lions student, (Y/N) was the least expected to show up at the class reunion which had been planed five years prior.

Not because of how timid she was- No. Bernadetta was twice as timid and was still globally expected to show up at the class reunion. The recluse and quiet girl, even if she hadn't any profound bonds with anyone, was still expected to show up, but (Y/N) wasn't.

At first, back when the times were simpler, and everyone was but a mere student at the academy, and all they had to worry about was to whom they'd be married off to in a couple of years, (Y/N) had sworn to her comrades and to the professor that she'd attend the reunion which was planned five years from now.

But then the war happened.

(Y/N) knew how to fight, but a war would be too much for her to handle.

She never thought herself capable off fighting against imperial forces, she had never thought herself capable of belonging to an army.

Her fighting skills were mediocre at best when she had attended the academy, and it frightened her.

If she actually went out on the battlefield and fought, she would never be able to actually make it out alive, let alone fight well on her own.

But after five years off intense training, (Y/N) had actually come back to the class reunion as a changed girl. She had now become a soldier, and was perhaps one of the best fighters out there, which certainly surprised her peers.

After their first battle alongside each other, all the students circled around her to congratulate her and sing their praises. All of them displayed their pride and how lucky they were to have her by their side.

But while (Y/N) stood idle, trying her best to listen to everyone while bearing the weight of the unusual attention, her eyes would wander to the outer circle, where stood a certain familiar green haired man...


As she snuck away from her comrades' grasp, (Y/N) ventured off into the halls of the monastery, which was now in ruins, destroyed because of the consequences of war.

She had never enjoyed crowded spaces, and how everyone was showering her with praise and compliments was beginning to make her uncomfortable. Not that she minded it, but it was just that it would take some time to get used to, after the years spent at the academy, where most student would make fun of her mediocre fighting and clumsy ways. It was so terrifying to think off how different everyone was treating her now that she just knew how to handle a spear better.

Walking down empty hallways, (Y/N) passed by a familiar room which caught her eye.

Backing away from her tracks, she realized that this was the library.

Her stomach tied itself into knots when she noticed the broken windows and books spread across the floor, the ripped curtains, barely hanging, the broken shelfs, which barely contained a few books here and there. Most of them had probably disappeared without a trace while others had been discarded on the dusty, crumbling floors.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now