Nyx X Xander- Romance Novels (Request)

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The art is made by @SoundlessRoom on DeviantArt! Go check them out :)

Hey guys!
Back at it again with another request. This was requested by @EmericCouthon! Inspiration has struck me finally.

When the night came, the whole Castle became dead silent. Everyone went to sleep, the maids stopped working, and all the lights had been deemed.

In the large castle library, Nyx stood there alone, in her little corner, reading a large novel.

She was one of, if not, the only one awake at this point. She had been reading books all evening, and at this point only had a mere candle to give her some light.

Turning each page slowly, she took in each word with ease, in complete silence.

But, the sound of steps broke that silence, and looking up from her book, the woman found herself laying face to face with the Nohrian Crown Prince himself, Xander.

"Good evening, Prince," she merely told him, then went back to her book.

"I fear it might be a bit too late for the usual good evenings, Nyx," The prince answered, a light smile on his face.

She frowned, "It cannot be that late, can it?"

"It's almost midnight."

Nyx stares blankly at her book, speechless. That late? And yet, only a few moments ago, she could have sworn it was only four in the evening...

"I... Did not realize I was up this late," looking back up at Xander, she asked, "If it's this late, why are you in a library?"

He gulped, frowning, "I... came here looking for a... book for Camilla- my sister."

"Ah. To be honest, I thought it would be for something a bit more grand, but that is actually quite sweet of you to do this for her."

He smiled, "I would do anything for my sister- so it's only natural I would complete this simple task for her," he frowned her again, "But..."

Nyx closed her own book, putting it aside, "Is something wrong, Prince?"

"The problem is that I don't know what book to give her. She was specific on the genre- but, unfortunately, I do not know much about it."

"May I ask what genre is it?"

The prince got noticeably uncomfortable at the question- But who was he kidding, of course she was going to ask that.

"... Romance. Romance novels."

Nyx did not really respond. She remained silent at her place. The woman wasn't quite sure what response to give him. Tell him that she could help him because of her expertise in the matter or just tell him that she couldn't help him and just leave?

"Prince Xander, I... think I could help you find... something," she slowly said, averting his gaze.

His face lit up. Finally, some help, "Truly?"

"Yes," picking up the book she had been reading mere seconds ago, she handed it over to him, "This should do. It's a very nice book."

"Thank..." then he realized of something, and a chuckle left him, "Nyx, isn't this the book you were reading when I came in? I did not know you were into romance novels."

She sighed exasperatedly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks, "They are nice. I enjoy them. Do not make much of it, please."

"I won't. And thank you- for giving me a good romance novel. What is it about?"

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon