Dimitri X Reader- Cooking duo (Request)

492 12 19

Request: @Kitsunegoddes_Selkie
Genre: Idk
Warnings: None
Word count: 754
Pronouns: they/them
Additional Info: None

I'm really so pathetic, like I really have nothing else to do

(Y/N) was a bad cook, and that, even for some, was an understatement. Most of the foods they cooked was inedible and burnt, and if it happened to be somewhat edible and plain bad, it was a miracle.

But (Y/N), despite their nonexistent talent in the art, loved to cook. It was their way of showing their appreciation towards someone, as they poured their heart into every meal they cooked. Unfortunately, (Y/N) always had to change gift ideas.

Although, much to their surprise, prince Dimitri, a good friend of theirs, one day came up to them with quite the topic of conversation. One not many dared to speak of.

"I heard you like to cook. Is it true?"

"You probably heard I was terrible at it too," they muttered, disappointed.

The prince chuckled but he didn't seem affected by it, "I heard that too, but I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems."

"You'd be awfully disappointed your highness."

"Nonsense," before (Y/N) could leave, Dimitri added, "I'd love to cook with you some day. I've always wanted to."

Surprised, (Y/N), looked back at him with wide eyes, "I... Of course, your Highness. It would be my pleasure. Does tomorrow sound good?"

He smiled, "Tomorrow sounds great."


As he had promised, Dimitri showed up to the kitchen the next day.

"Great. You're here! Before we start, let's put on some aprons. We can look at a cookbook after."

As they said this, (Y/N) handed the prince a clean apron that Dimitri quickly put on, while his friend put theirs on.

Noticing (Y/N) looking around for something, he realized that they were looking for that cookbook. After finding it himself, he handed it to them, a excited smile on his face. He actually couldn't wait to cook. He had never cooked before, and who better to do it then with one of his good friends?

"I think you were looking for this."

"Right! Thank you," they opened it to a random page and started flicking through, looking at different recipes.

"Tell me where to stop. We can cook whatever suits your taste."

"I'm fine with cooking anything. If you'd like, I'd love for us to cook one of your specialties, if you have one."

(Y/N) chuckled at the thought of it, knowing of terrible of a cook they were.

"I mean... I do love filet mignon. It's meat, basically. It's very good."

"Great. Let's do that then. What do we need?"

"Well, we'll need some filet steaks, some rosemary, some salt and pepper, some butter, and some garlic and oil. And then, for the recipe," they began to awkwardly chuckle, "I always forget it. We're going to have to look it up in the cook book. I always forget it."

"It's alright," Dimitri browsed the book until he finally fell on the page. He began to read aloud the first step, "First of all, Start by removing your Filet Mignons from the fridge about 30-60 minutes before cooking them..."


Cooking the filet mignon took a while, but when it was over, it was awfully gratifying. Dimitri and (Y/N) sat at the table starving and excited, with their cooked meal waiting in front of them. Well, (Y/N) wasn't that excited, knowing that it wasn't going to turn out that good, but seeing Dimitri excited did remedy that.

It already was starting to smell bad, but Dimitri didn't seem to notice. (Y/N) didn't say anything.

"Well... Let's start then!"


As both of them began eating, (Y/N) didn't have the courage to tell Dimitri how badly it tasted, but yet again, Dimitri did not seem to be affected by it.

By the end of the meal, Dimitri had devoured everything, while (Y/N)'s plate was still full.

"You didn't even start yours! You didn't like it?"

"Not that much, I must say," he confessed, "Sorry, Dimitri."

But he was completely fine. Instead, he smiled, "That's alright. More for me then, if that's alright."

"Please! If you want more, then you can finish off my plate!"

As (Y/N) watched the prince devour his own meal, he was left in shock.

"You really like it?"

"You must be kidding! It's delicious! I've never tasted anything better!"

The poor student felt his chest rise with pride, "I'm glad you do, your highness... I'll make sure to cook it for you again."

"And I'll cook with you!"

"Of course, my prince. It would be an honor..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now