Byleth X Reader- The question (Request)

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Request: @FireGirl38
Warnings: None
Word count: 1068
Gender: Female
Additional Info: • Male!Byleth X Reader

No confession at the end... I know it was written in the request but I couldn't bring myself to add one. It would feel too forced. That's the problem I got with inserting confessions in oneshot endings- sometimes, it doesn't work. I think the ending I chose here works better, but you tell me! Read it and then tell me what you think I guess, haha.
Anyways, enjoy! 

"Who's that girl by Shamir's side?" asked once Byleth, when he noticed the archer walk past them with someone. He remembered most faces he saw at the Monastery, but this was a new one.

"It's her apprentice," the man Byleth was standing by glancing back at him, "You've never seen her before?"


"Well," the man chuckled, "You'll see a lot of them- and never by themselves. These two are attached at the hip. (Y/N)'s never left Shamir's side."

"(Y/N)," Byleth muttered to himself, and he stared off into the distance. He didn't say anything else.


"That professor... Is he new around here? I've never seen him before."

Shamir suspiciously glanced back at his apprentice with a raised brow, as she cleaned the dust of some arrows.

"Professor Byleth? Yes, he's new around here," she dryly said, going back to her work.

"Byleth... What a name!" (Y/N) murmured under her breath, as she dreamily stared off into the distance.

Shamir groaned, "Instead of daydreaming, why don't you help me for a change!" She threw a wet towel at her, "Come on!"

(Y/N) and began cleaning armor, but she couldn't help but ask, "Does he stick around often?"

"He's a professor here- What do you think?"

"Right," and she blushed, for that was a bit of a stupid question, "Does he dine at the dining hall?"

"How should I know? Ask him yourself."

"Ask him?" She blushed, "I could never! I'd rather die!"

"Oh, come on! Don't be such a baby... Why are you being like this?"

"I'm not being a baby! I just... I don't know- I guess it'd be embarrassing to just ask him that out of the blue! What will he think?"

"I've never seen that man express any emotion, so I think you'll be fine," Shamir lightly chuckled, which was rare, "Besides, you'll just ask him if he eats here. It's nothing major," she then threw a sly smile at her friend, "Unless you'd like to ask him if he'd like to eat with you somewhere else- In town."

"Somewhere else in... Shamir! You always come up with the... craziest scenarios!" And she puffed out in embarrassed laughter.

"Ask him. It won't hurt- Doesn't matter what. Just ask him."

(Y/N) tried to ignore her.

"I won't repeat myself twice."

No answer.

"Your loss."

"Fine! Fine, I'll ask him... maybe... We'll see."

Shamir smirked at her, and (Y/N) couldn't stand it.

"Oh! Stop that!"


(Y/N) never got to ask her question.

Shamir came running for the first time in her life to Byleth and Seteth.

"(Y/N)'s gone! She's been gone for days- I... I don't know where she is!"

Never had she been this open about her thoughts, but this growing worry had been eating at her so badly that it beginning to become a real problem. Where was this girl?

Seteth looked at her with wide, hopeless eyes. Finally, someone like him!

"So she has disappeared too! Just like my dear Flayn- Goddess knows where she is! I've been looking for her everywhere... But she's nowhere to be found," he clang to Shamir, "Could it be that (Y/N) suffered the same fate? We must find them!"

And the two of them stared at each other, then began to talk- What to do? Where to begin looking? Seteth had already looked everywhere, and Shamir had already asked around the monastery.

Byleth, who stood still in the middle of the hasty conversation, said nothing, but there was a visible frown upon his face.


How awful this whole situation was! But thank the Goddess- For the two girls, both Flayn and (Y/N) were found. Flayn was brought back to her brother and (Y/N) to Shamir, who settled her in her room, where Byleth visited.

As soon as he stepped inside that room, (Y/N) was quick to welcome the professor.

"How am I to ever thank you! Thank you for saving me! How horrible it all was! But you... Thank you!"

"Don't thank me," Byleth sat down next to her, "I only did what was right."

"It's hard to bring yourself to do something right... when it's so difficult- I still can't believe you found the two of us. It takes a certain amount of will to go through with trying- That's what I'm thanking you for, I guess. For wanting to save the two of us."

Byleth's cheeks became a light pink, "I don't really know what to do with your thanks. Again, I just did what was right to do."

"Keep my thanks- It would mean a lot to me."

"Right... I will," and that was all he was able to say. He just stared at her, with round eyes, and kept quiet: his gaze was spiritless yet amazed. It was strange.

(Y/N) to feel his gaze weigh heavy, and it was making her slightly uncomfortable. Finally, she broke the silence.

"Hum... Did you come here for a particular reason?"

The professor seemed to have finally woken up from his reverie, "Not really- I... I suppose I just came here to see you- How you were holding up."

He remained quiet for a moment, before muttering, "How are you holding up?"

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle at the bluntness, but she supposed that was what she loved about him.

"Fine- Still a little shaken- But fine."

"Okay," he put bluntly, "Good."

He then got up, but (Y/N) was quite to retain him for a few more minutes.

"Wait! I... I'd like to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I... Do you- Do you eat at the dining hall? Or do you eat in town?..."

(Y/N) said this not without a blush spread across her face. The man noticed this.

"I eat at the dining hall, but I would gladly make an exception for you, if you'd rather eat in town," and he smiled to himself, "I must have some list somewhere... Of restaurants, that Manuela gave me once."

"Oh," her blush deepened, and it was difficult to make out a response. She simply nodded, and that was all Byleth needed for an answer.

"Okay, then. I'll come by tonight... We'll plan something," and for a moment, he remained quiet, looking at her, before wishing her a nice evening. He then left.

(Y/N) finally got to ask her question.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora