[Demon Byleth AU]- A demonic creature (Request) (Part 3)

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This... is not very good. But tbh, I didn't expect to write something amazing, since I'm hella bad at writing stuff like this. I prefer sticking to simpler stuff, mostly because I write oneshots when I'm bored and tired, so I don't really have to, you know, actually think lmao.
Anyways, I tried writing something. But I probably won't accept writing something like this ever again.
This was requested by @CharmerMaster.

Byleth wasted no time doing more investigating on why Edelgard waged war. And, although she agreed with the Emperor when it came to the Crest System, its corruption was still not a fair reason for her to start such a war. Byleth couldn't yo,erase anymore bloodshed.

The former professor would be lying if she said that she didn't need to join forces with one of the three armies, but that was not possible. She did not agree with the Kingdom's silly belief in honor, and when it came to the Alliance... She thought it was best not to trust them.

And so began the mercenary's walk upon a neutral, lonely path.

Byleth knows she can't fight all three armies by herself, and that she got extremely lucky the last time, but she still refuses to join a side, especially the church's. Although Byleth wished she could see Rhea once more, because of her many questions, Byleth tries to forget about the Archbishop, and soon enough, Rhea doesn't mean anything to Byleth anymore.

But now that Byleth was alone, she had to start figuring out by herself out by herself how exactly she was going to stop this war.

She probably wouldn't be able to defeat them all physically, not again. But maybe, with some sort of spell she could? It was probably improbable, but she could try and find a spell.

The first place Byleth thought could own such a spell would be the Monastery.


Finally, after five whole years, she was back. Against her will, but she was here. The monastery was in complete ruins now, and yet, it was still protected by who seemed to be Kingdom and Church soldiers.

She had to get in, but how?

As she asked herself this question, she spotted a random soldier hanging alone around the near woods (CoiNCideNcE amirite).

Sneaking up behind him, Byleth pushed her dagger into his back, making him fall to the ground. She then made sure to kill him completely.

Byleth took off his armor and put it on herself. Then hiding him behind a near tree to avoid suspicion.

Now, she finally had a chance to get inside the Monastery.


Byleth got inside the Monastery with ease now that she was disguised as a Church Soldier.

And so now that she was finally inside, she could get to searching for a spell.

She started looking in the library first. Closing of the door first, to avoid suspicion once more, she got to searching.

She looked at books for hours and hours, until finally, she found in an old book, hidden behind newer ones, a certain spell that caught her attention.

She read the short paragraph above the spell quietly, "Should war occur, this certain spell can be cast. Split Fodlan apart it will, although much magic will be needed."

Byleth ripped the page with the spell out of the book and hid it inside her armor, hid the book at its rightful place, and left the Monastery just as quietly as she got in.


From what the page said, to gather magic for the spell, she had to defeat as many Argathans as she could.

As she defeated all the Argathans one by one, slowly gathering more and more magic for the spell, she was also able to meet the Three Armies countless times, often making them retreat. And even if the army was her former students', they would get the same treatment.

During the encounter of each army, at the sight of a Hero's Relic, Byleth would waste no time retreating it and destroying it.

With each encounter, the three armies grow weaker and weaker, loosing soldiers and their Hero's Relics, to the point where the Armies grow desperate and terrified of the mere sight of her, making them retreat as quickly as they came. Even the former House Leaders, find it difficult to stand her, because they knew that a wrong move could lead to their last breath.


With Byleth around, the Armies found it very difficult to conquer Fodlan, or to even fight each other.

The Leaders of three Armies tried to find some sort of new strategy, but all of they had to quickly put their thoughts aside when all of a sudden, the ground beneath them started shaking.

This was Byleth's doing. Having finally defeating all Argathans, she finally had enough power to use her spell to split Fodlan apart, and was now chanting the spell,

Slowly, the Continent split apart in four: The Adrestian Empire, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, the Leicester Alliance, and lastly, Garreg Mach.

The spell, while splitting the Continent apart, was also able to split Fodlan's throat, just like Claude always wanted.

Due to the rushing currents caused by the spell, the four lands soon enough got separated and started swimming away from each other to separate parts of the world, thus, never seeing each other again.

This left Byleth alone on a small piece of land. Relieved and happy that she was able to force war to an end, she built a boat with which she started exploring the world at her heart's content...

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