Byleth X Reader- Like two school girls (Request)

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Request: @daleketchup
Warnings: None
Word count: 1225
Gender: Male
Additional Info: • Professor!Reader X Female!Byleth

I stan Manuela so bad you guys 😩

The bell rang. (Y/N)'s first lesson as a new teacher with his class was finally over. He sighed of relief. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

Manuela, one of the teachers, entered the classroom as the students were beginning to leave.

"You're new here, right?" She said as she looked at him with a curious expression.

(Y/N) looked up from his books and smiled back at her, "I am," he then went back to rearranging his supplies, "I just taught my first class," and as he said it, it was impossible for him not to smile without an ounce of pride. He had been waiting for this moment for so long and it finally took place.

The older professor's face lit up at the words, "Oh! How wonderful!" She basked in the thought of it, and it brought her to reminisce on her own first days of teaching, "I remember mine as if it happened yesterday... Time flies by so fast," she touched her face and slightly frowned at the touch, "I was so beautiful back then."

"Don't say such things! I believe you to be a very beautiful woman!"

"Well! All of that is subjective... But, look at me! I didn't come here to fish for compliments, but to invite you!"

"Invite me?" He slightly blushed, a tad bit confused, "Where?"

"To the teachers' lounge! Everyone is dying to talk to you! Well... There will only be the three of us, but it's still good enough."

"Of course, professor Manuela. I would love to go there," and he chuckled, "You'll have to show me the way though, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't! And please, don't call me 'professor Manuela'. Simply 'Manuela' will do."


"Everyone! I would like you all to meet the new professor, (Y/N)! He's in charge of the Blue Lions this year. (Y/N), let me introduce you to the staff... This is Byleth, and this is Hanneman. Byleth teaches the Golden Deer, Hanneman is in charge of making sure everything flows nicely (I made it up lol), and I am in charge of the Black Eagles."

"It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N)," Byleth told him, "We've heard very good things about you."

"And we all hope you'll live up to them!" Hanneman added, but as soon as Manuela elbowed him, he was quick to retort, "And we are all sure you will."

"Thank you all. I can't wait to get to know you better. I'm sure I have much to learn from you," and he especially looked at Byleth, because something was telling he should get to know her better.


Time had passed- a lot of it- and it passed so fast. It surprised (Y/N) just how much time had gone by, and just how close he had grown to Byleth.

They were good friends now, but (Y/N) did want more.

A glass of wine in his hand, he watched his students dance with each other, laugh and smile- having fun. It made (Y/N) happy too, but Manuela, who finally reached him, noticed that there was more to it than simple happiness.

"You look sad, (Y/N)," Manuela told him, "I would even say- Maybe you're even... jealous?"

(Y/N) looked at her, bewildered at her mind reading abilities. He would've like to lie to her but something he had learnt over the months was that nothing left unnoticed by Manuela. She saw everything when it came to what others were feeling.

He lightly chuckled, taking a sip of his wine, "You caught me. I guess I'm a little jealous."

The professor laughed, "I knew it! And I even know why? Would you like me to tell you? Or maybe it's best if you just cut to the chase and ask the girl out."

"How did you... You surprise me every time, Manuela..." He muttered under his breath, astounded, "W-Was it so obvious that..."

"-That you like Byleth? Very! Might as well make it official, right?" She came closer to him and whispered, "Who knows? You might be surprised."

She then left (Y/N) alone- alone with his thoughts, wondering what he should do. Could he actually ask Byleth out? Wouldn't it be odd? And what would she think of him? But if Manuela was telling him that 'he might be surprised', then maybe something good could come out of asking the professor out? He hoped so.

Many questions and observations stirred in his mind, but to him, a certain conclusion had to be drawn: he had to talk to Byleth.

But it was easier said than done.

'Okay. If I accidentally fall upon Byleth when I reach the food stand, then I will talk to her.'

He went to the food stand, and guess who he found.

"Ah. (Y/N)!"

"Byleth! How wonderful to see you!" He said, and perhaps it really was meant to be, perhaps he was really meant to ask her out, right?

"Byleth- I'd like to ask you something. Could you stay for a little bit to hear me out?"

"Hum..." She shyly smiled, "Sure. What's up?"

"I... The Goddess Tower- I... It's a dream of mine- to go there, but by myself... That would just be silly-" He said, and as he went on, he was beginning to blush profusely. He didn't realize just how hard it would be to talk to her about such things, and the Goddess Tower, the dream- All an excuse, really, to go out with her alone. He didn't have the heart to actually confess, or anything.

"I don't find it silly."

"Y-You don't?" He gulped, "Of course you don't... But I do, and I'd like to go there with someone- With you, actually. Would you... Would you like to?"

She chuckled at his silliness, "Sure. I'd love fo. I've heard many things about the Godess Tower from my students. It sounds fun."

"You're not saying that... You find it childish, right?"

"What? No! That's not what I meant," she blurted out, realizing how belittling her last remark sounded, "Look, let's just go. It'll be fun, and it's even more fun when you're with someone- Right?"

"R-Right. Obviously," he added. He was now a blushing mess but he was relieved to see he wasn't alone.

Byleth frowned then touched her cheek, "Hm. Am I... Blushing?"

"A little. What about me?" He quietly asked, suddenly incredibly insecure.

"A lot. Like a schoolgirl!" She laughed, "It's very funny."

"W-Well, you're no better either!" And he laughed along.

"I guess we're both school girls then. The only thing we need is the Godess Tower."

"Right- And a confession."

She looked at him with a certain glimpse in her eye. She subtly threw him a sly smile, "That'd be nice."

"Of course! It's in the package!"

And suddenly, (Y/N) found himself much more confident than he was before. Byleth's last sentence told him everything he needed to know and erased all worry.

In the heat of the moment, (Y/N) grabbed Byleth's hand, and the both of them ran off to the Goddess Tower- They really were like two school girls.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now