Marianne X Reader- Understanding (Request)

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Request: @Herosperger
Warnings: None
Word count: 1148
Gender: Male
Additional Info: Noble!Reader X Marianne

Hey guys! I'm finally on holidays so I'll be trying to post a bit more before heading back to school :)
Anyways, enjoy!

"What about you, (Y/N)? Where will you be going for the holidays?"

The holidays were approaching, and everyone was talking about it- where they would go, who they would go with, what they would bring- the conversations were endless, and so repetitive. It was probably the third time this week that (Y/N) had to answer that question, and it always pained and annoyed him to answer it.

"I'll probably be returning to my domain."

And the same question would then ensue:

"That's nice! I'm sure you'll have a great time with your family."

"My aunt's having a hard time running the domain, so it's only during the holidays that I can assist her with her workload. I'm heading over there to help- It's difficult to run a domain by yourself," he quietly said, and when he noticed the student visibly uncomfortable with the change of tone of the conversation, (Y/N) was quick to add, "But I can't wait to see her. It's been a while."

The student with whom he was talking finally smiled, "It's always great to return to your loved ones."

"Yeah," he sighed, "It is."


(Y/N) was a noble by birth, but he never truly felt like he belonged, and as stupid as it sounded, it was always when conversations arose about pastimes back at the domain, that he felt the most left out.

His mother died at childbirth, and he never met his father, so he was taken care of early on by his younger aunt, a very motherly and caring woman. (Y/N) owed everything to her, and not a day would pass without him showering her with gratitude for everything she did for him over the past couple of years, but unfortunately, (Y/N) sometimes wished things were different.

His aunt was a very busy woman, and her celibacy and nephew gone forced her to take care of the domain all by herself. It was difficult- A lot of vastly different matters needed to be taken care of. She had little time for enjoyment, now that (Y/N) was gone, which was why he had made the promise to help her out whenever he could.

So, (Y/N) never truly had a real holiday. Sure, he sometimes enjoyed himself back at the domain, but it was never anything major. He never travelled and his days were filled with worry about what the next day would bring, so were his aunt. They weren't truly poor by any means, but more money would've always been welcome.

In all those aspects, (Y/N) felt nothing like a noble, excluding the domain and title he had.

What (Y/N) wished was to someday enjoy the luxury and carelessness nobility had to offer, or at least, to know someone who was in a similar position to his, someone who could understand him.


(Y/N) was quietly sitting on a bench outside, enjoying the evening air, until he noticed a sadder than usual Marianne walk out of the classroom with a letter.

As soon as she walked by him, (Y/N) stopped her, but as soon as he did, he felt incredibly awkward and embarrassed.

"Hum... Sorry," he finally muttered out.

"Hum- Did you need anything?"

"That letter... You don't seem so happy- Are you alright?" He awkwardly stood there, waiting for an answer.

"I have nothing to be truly happy about," she quietly confessed, "My adoptive father wrote me a letter. He says he's very busy and won't be able to spend time with me if I ever go back home..."

She sighed and looked to the side, "I suppose I thought this time, it would be different. He had promised me, but I suppose not," she then shook her head, "No, but I can't be mad at him. He works so hard," she then sighed again, and looked at the ground in disarray.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." (Y/N) said, but something within him lit up- It wasn't joy, but relief. She was in the exact same position as he was- Never had he found someone just like him- It felt... nice.

"I... I know how you feel."

"Oh?" She looked up at him with surprise, "Do you have an adoptive father too?"

"An aunt. She takes care of me- She's pretty busy too... taking care of the domain."

"Really now?" Her heart fluttered with hidden joy from within- How strangely nice was it to find someone like herself!

"Yeah, so I'm heading down there to help her out. So," he looked at her with much curiosity, "You'll be staying here then?"

"I suppose so... I don't have much of a choice. He likes to be left alone and I wouldn't want to bother him any further..."

"Of course," he quietly said, "I understand."

They both stood quiet, their eyes drifting form one another to the ground, then back at each other. They were nervously waiting for someone to continue the conversation, but no one was saying anything.

Finally, (Y/N) spoke up.

"Do you like to be left alone?"

The question was quite odd and unexpected. It took a while for Marianne to respond to it.

"Hum... I-It depends who I'm with... But usually, I like being alone. It's impossible to bother anyone when you're by yourself."

"Would you like to be with me?"

The girl's cheeks turned a light pink, and she looked up to him with slight shock as to what he had just said.

When (Y/N) noticed what had just come out of his mouth, he was quick to clarify.

"I-I mean... No, that's not what I meant-"


"I mean... You don't bother me, and you'd never bother me! What I actually meant is... I'd love for you to come down to my domain during the holidays! Since you're not going anywhere..."

Marianne's expression did not change. She was still just as surprised as ever. Was he really asking her to join him?

"You can say no, of course. We wouldn't be doing anything extraordinary either... Just helping my aunt out with the domain... But it would be nice to do it with someone, so..."


The answer came out so brutally that Marianne found herself blushing even harder and having to reiterate what she had just said.

"I-I mean... I-I would love to... If there's any way I could find myself useful..."

"You'd be incredibly useful, and I'm sure my aunt would love to have you- And... I would love to have you."

Marianne quietly smiled, secretly very happy at the proposition.

"I'll send a letter to my father... for permission."

"Right," he chuckled, "You do that... And I'll talk to my aunt."

But before (Y/N) could say goodbye, Marianne had already fled to her dorm room.

(Y/N) was suddenly very grateful for what life had offered him.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now