Ferdinand X Hubert- Memories of the ball (Request)

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Art by @waveoftheocean on Twitter!

Request by: @QueenSassiaMoon
Warnings: None
Genre: No idea (?) / Fluff
Ship: Ferdinand X Hubert (Ferdibert)
Word count: 776

It's a bit short and it took me a while to find a good idea for this oneshot, but I hope you'll like it nonetheless 💖✨


After the class reunion had ended, the emperor, Edelgard herself, had divided everyone into duos to walk around the large monastery in search for some valuable items they could reuse.

Ferdinand and Hubert were out together, despite their disagreement, and were sent to one of the largest areas of the monastery: the mess hall.

"... This place is so dusty- It's been a while," Ferdinand murmured, as he poked a erring pebble on the floor with his boot.

"I don't know what else you could've expected, Ferdinand," he grumbled, "It's been years since anyone stepped in this place."

The red head didn't respond. He strolled around the large room, which had been primarily used as a mess hall until that one night, when it had been put to use as a ballroom for a ball the archbishop had thrown.

"This certainly does bring back some memories- The ball, mostly."

It certainly did bring back some memories. Ferdinand remembered each and every detail off the ballroom: The chandeliers, the band playing the music, the scent, the students dressed in dresses or costumes, the waltz, the food, the non alcoholic champagne- Everything.

And now, look what the old ballroom had become: Dusty, smelly, in ruins. What a shame.

Ferdinand stepped in the center off it, where, above his head used to be a large chandelier, and twirled around, much to his companion's disappointment.

"The ball, the ball...! Do you recall the ball that had been thrown here? The music, the dancing, the gowns and suits..." Ferdinand lightly chuckled, until he finally stopped himself from spinning before he'd go sick.

His expression went grim, "I certainly do miss it. It all ended so quickly."

For a moment, he had forgotten Hubert was standing right in front of him, judging him from the unbearable glimpse in his single eye, as he looked down upon him, hands clasped behind his back.

"Not like you would understand. You loathe balls."

Hubert displayed a light smirk, "Hmph. You caught me."

"I will never understand you."

"Neither will I."

Ferdinand stepped on the balcony, resting his hands on the stone barrier, as he looked out the scenery laid before his eyes. The forest surrounding the monastery was the only element that had remained the same over the years.

Hubert joined him soon after.

The red head sighed, "It's a shame."

"A shame?"

"That you never liked balls."

He frowned, disorientated, "And why is that?"

"I've danced with... Probably every student who attended the monastery," Ferdinand looked over at Hubert, "Except with you."

Hubert scoffed, "Don't fret, Ferdinand. You did not miss out on much. I'm far from a capable dancer. I know a few tricks here and there... But nothing too impressive."

"I'm sure you're underestimating yourself. Surely, if you come from a noble family, you know more than just a few dance moves," Ferdinand assured, but Hubert wasn't having any off it, really.

"... And, when this war will come to an end, I think I might throw my own ball," Ferdinand smiled, hopeful, "No, I am certain of it."

"-And you, Hubert, will be invited, along the others, of course."

The sinister man glanced back at him as soon as he said this, incredulous at his words, unsure if he had heard this spontaneous noble correctly or if his hearing was just deceiving him. His mouth was slightly agape, eye brows raised high.

"What...? You've always despised me, and now you wish to invite me to your future balls, and dance with me?"

He sneered, "Ferdinand, have you gone insane?"

"I've matured, is all," Ferdinand eyed him, taking offense into his comment, "And what? Maybe you aren't so terrible after all," he muttered under his breath, "The moments we've shared together are proof of this."

"Is this a jest? If so, I won't have it," Hubert replied dryly.

"What use would I find in lying to you? Besides, Ferdinand Von Aegir never speaks lies," Ferdinand took a more serious tone, "But, Hubert, I'm serious. I would actually quite like it if you came to my future balls."

"Really now?"

He raised a brow, intrigued.

"Yes- In fact, you are obligated to come. I won't take no for an answer."

"How lovely," he replied sarcastically.

"And perhaps you'll even allow me to-"

Even before Ferdinand was about to finish his sentence, his companion cut him off, knowing what was about to come next, "Absolutely not. I've already agreed to coming, but I won't dance," he grimaced at the mere thought, "Especially not with you."

"Wait, so you will actually come?" Ferdinand's face lit up at this, he became starry eyed even.

"I-" Hubert hoped to find a way to put his thoughts into words, but he only ended his sentence in a hushed mutter, his cheeks light pink at how absent minded he had been for a second there.

He sighed, glancing sideways, "... Maybe I will. I'll think about it."

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