Male!Byleth X Reader- The professor's favorite (Request)

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3000 words... It's been a while since I wrote something this long.
I had a lot of fun writing this, so I took the free time I had and wrote this as soon as I saw this request. We need more Byleth content lol.
Anyways, this was requested by @aresuka0128 (tysm for requesting this btw, I needed this lmao)!

Unlike other students from the other houses, the Golden Deer decided to reunite each Sunday evening in their classroom to chat, study for upcoming exams and do homework.

And so, here they were yet again on another Sunday evening, chatting about random topics while doing their homework.

Unlike other Sundays, this Sunday's topic was a bit more different from their usual ones...

Hilda, who was working on an extremely boring assignment at the last minute (while all her other classmates had already completed it way before her), found herself stumped. This assignment was quite difficult, and she was way too lazy to do it, so she decided to just ditch the whole thing and make up an excuse for not making it.

'I'll just tell the professor that Dorte ate my homework, or something,' She randomly thought.

And so, instead of completing the assignment, she decided to try and strike up a conversation with some of her classmates. No one was talking, no one was laughing. This was probably the most un-Golden Deer- like Sunday reunion ever, and the lazy pink haired girl wanted to change that.

Playing around with the ends of her pigtails, Hilda tried to find a topic to discuss- Something interesting, something funny, something...

An idea popped into her head.

She smirked, leaned against her desk table, and spoke out loud for the first time.

"Guuuys~ I was thinking about something recently, and I just HAD to tell you guys about it..."

Claude, whose interest was piqued, put down his pen, leaned against the table, resting his head against his palm, "Spill the tea, Hilda. What's going on?"

Everyone else looked up from their homework, and gazed over at Hilda, curiosity taking over them.

"Weeell, have you guys ever thought of the possibility that our dear professor might have a crush?"

"... A crush? What has got you thinking that the professor might have a crush?" Claude asked.

"Indeed. Having crushes is so childish! And the professor is very mature! He would never have a crush!" Lysithea exclaimed, joining in on the conversation.

Hilda chuckled, "Oh, Lysithea. You can't help having crushes, you know... It's not childish at all."

Lysithea rolled her eyes and went back to her homework.

"Well, haven't you guys noticed that the professor's been acting a bit unusual lately? Like, he's got his head in the clouds most of the time and seems more chipper lately."

Leonie let out a relieved sigh, "Goddess, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. He seems so in love- It's driving me nuts."

"I-It's like he's in his one little world..." Marianne added quietly from the back.

"Indeed, Marianne. Yet again, only from you do I hear such truer words," the violet haired noble spoke, smiling at her.

Averting his gaze, Marianne did not dare speak up again of the evening, after his little compliment.

"Who do you guys think he likes anyway?" Claude wondered, leaning back against his chair, arms crossed.

"Well, a certain person comes to mind..." Hilda answered, smiling.

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