[Modern AU] Edelgard X Reader- A humiliating defeat (Request)

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More info: Wrestler! Edelgard X Wrestler! Reader

Request by: @Zawwefan
Warnings: None
Genre: Modern AU
Word count: 1092
Gender: Female

No pictures of the beach today. Me and my family got to the beach too late, so we just headed out to eat and then went to the hotel. I will surely post some in the next chapter so stay tuned.
I was really bored in the hotel room so I used my time to write down the last request I got. The ending's not so great but I didn't really know how else to end it. I hope you'll still like it though~
Anyways, if anyone wants to request, then don't be shy to do so! I'll accept any request with open arms!
Also, I hope Edie's not to OOC in this. I kind off forgot her speech pattern since it's been a while since I played the game.
Anyways, Enjoy!


"Edelgard, you lost once- So what's the big deal? There's always a next time."

(Y/N) tried to talk some sense into her friend as much as she possibly could. Reaching out for Edelgard's shoulder, she wanted to rest her hand on it in a comforting manner, but the white haired girl was quick to retire herself from (Y/N)'s reach.

"Edie... Come on," (Y/N) pleaded, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

(Y/N) had never seen Edelgard so irritated in her life. She was always so cold headed and poise all the time, never like this, but she had also never lost against anyone either. It was certainly a new experience she wished she could get rid off.

"I lost against one of the weakest wrestlers in the competition. A larger humiliation than this one is rare," she sighed in exasperation, as she sat on one of the benches the locker room had to offer, "I can always win the next streak, of course, but this loss will be tainted on me forever. Now, everyone will think me weak."

Irritation was still very present in Edelgard, but there was now also a hint of disappointment and shame, even if she kept her head high- It was still visible even a little.

(Y/N) let out a sigh, as she took out of Edelgard's sports bag a wet towel, beginning to pamper Edelgard's reddened face with it.

"No one will think you weak, Edelgard. Trust me. Everyone has their ups and downs, you know? You just happened to have yours now... Of all times," she softly reassured, before resting her hand on Edelgard's shoulder, a smile surfacing her lips.

In utter defeat, Edelgard didn't shove her hand away this time.

"Come on- Let me make you some dinner at my place tonight. How does that sound?"


With the food set on the table, (Y/N) grabbed a fork and took a bite out off it. On the other side off the table was seated (Y/N), slightly leaning over it, curious as to see what the woman's reaction would be.

"So... How's the food?"

"Amazing. As per usual. You never cease to impress me with your cooking skills," Edelgard replied coldly, taking another bite out of the warm meal. It was clear that she was still not over her recent defeat.

"As you never cease to impress me with your wrestling," (Y/N) countered back.

"(Y/N), please-"

Edelgard rested her fork on the table, as she threw (Y/N) a hostile glare, brows slightly furrowed.

"I'm serious! You may have lost, but you did it with class, with elegance! No matter your loss, you're still an excellent wrestler. Anyone with eyes can see that!"

As a light blush set on her cheeks, Edelgard calmly agreed, "I am quite good, but..."

(Y/N) scoffed, "'Quite good'? You're underestimating yourself. Did you see how the crowds were cheering for you? You're amazing and they knew it!"

Overwhelmed with sudden emotion, (Y/N) got up from her chair as she went on, "You're just an amazing, wonderful, strong, sweet, thoughtful, intelligent,..."

When she realized that she had no idea where she was going with this, (Y/N) trailed off, finally adding in a nervous mutter.

"... Gorgeous and bewitching woman."

Now both off them were crimson. Edelgard at the unexpected amount of compliments, and (Y/N) at what had just taken place.

Awkwardly, (Y/N) stared down at her plate, as she sat back down.

Edelgard, who had remained quiet until now, finally spoke up, slightly frowning in offense, "(Y/N), you off all people should know that there is no need for false flattery. It won't make me feel better about my defeat."

Edelgard wished that what her friend was saying was true, she really did, but she knew that it most certainly not the case, and that these were just empty compliments.

"You really think this is false flattery?"

Heartbroken, (Y/N) was hurt at how defensive Edelgard was acting. Could she not just take the compliments for what they truly were? Did she always have to doubt anything that was thrown her way? It upset her, and to think that she thought her friend would know her worth more than anyone.

"And... The fact that I love you... What do you think that is, huh?" (Y/N) questioned, disappointment and disgust in her tone, as she glared back at Edelgard.

Mouth agape, eyebrows raised high, it was clear that Edelgard was shocked at what she hearing.

For a second, she thought her friend just meant 'I love you' as in 'as a friend', but the more she contemplated the wording, the more obvious it became that she meant something else... Something much more different.

Edelgard eyed her plate, as she tried to assemble the puzzle pieces, a bit dumbfounded, unlike what she was used to.

"You... Me... What?"

(Y/N) sighed, straightening herself to make herself more presentable, "You heard me," her demeanor changed to a softer one, "I... I really do love you, and not as a friend. I love you with your flaws, your qualities... I love your everything, really. And the fact that you lost against one of the weakest of the competition means nothing to me. I still love, and I always will."

As she poured her heart to Edelgard, the white haired woman was only able to feel speechless at her words. She was inclined to believe her. The confession was so genuine, and felt so real. Yes, Edelgard believed her. And it certainly showed that it had an effect on her as a crimson blush crept on her face.

"I... I certainly did not expect that to happen. Not tonight, at least."

Her friend awkwardly chuckled, "What? You would've preferred me to confess another night?"

"Well," Edelgard sighed, "I would've wanted me to be the one confessing to you... And I would've wanted to have it be in a more... appropriate setting then this one."

"So," (Y/N)'s face lit up, "My feelings are reciprocated then?"

Edelgard got up from her chair, and as she headed towards (Y/N), she leaned forward to press a simple kiss against the girl's lips, who happily accepted the tempting action.

As she backed away, (Y/N) grinned.

"Yes. Yes, they are. And to be fair, no matter how... not so perfect the confession was, it was still a treasurable moment in my eyes... This night went from the most horrid of my life to the most beautiful."

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