Marianne X Reader- Let me help you! (Request)

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The idea behind this oneshot is from northernlion196 ! Thank you for so much for proposing this idea :).

"Excellent job, Marianne. You passed the exam," said the professor, a small smile surfacing his lips (I made the professor male in this).

Marianne's eyes widen, "I-I actually passed?"

"Yeah. And it's all thanks to your efforts. I told you you could do it. You need to trust your abilities more in the future, okay?"

"Yes, professor. I'll try."

"Okay, so I'm going to bring you the armor to try on, okay? To see if it fits."

"Alright, thank you."

The professor nodded and left the room. Soon, coming back with a giant sack, that let out the sound of metal hitting each other.

Marianne looked down at the sack, and then looked at all of the large pieces of armor he took out of it. She couldn't help but turn pale at all of those pieces; how was she supposed to put them on?

She was even more surprised to see littler pieces pulled out next out of the sack; were these supposed to attach the larger pieces. All of this was making her head spin.

"H-Hum, professor. You will help me put this on, right?"

Byleth looked up at Marianne as soon as he finished pulling everything out of the sack, "Sorry, Marianne. I won't be able to help you put your armor on. Lady Rhea planned a meeting and all teachers are suppose to attend; but don't worry, I asked (Y/N) to help you."

"Oh... (Y/N)?"

"Yes. Yes, you two seem to be very good friends, and I even asked Claude about it and he said you two were apparently inseparable. I don't want you to get uncomfortable during this, plus, I also heard that she knows how to put on armor. So she was the most obvious choice," Byleth opened the classroom door, and before completely disappearing outside, he peaked from behind the wooden door, "She should be here any minute, now," he waved, "Bye, Marianne."

"Bye, professor."

Before Marianne could do anything, someone was already knocking on the door.

'She's fast,' Marianne quickly headed over at the door and opened it to reveal her classmate, (Y/N).

"Hey, Marianne! I came rushing as soon as I heard you need help. Also, congrats on your exam!" spoke (Y/N) smiling, as she waved at her friend.

For the first time that day, Marianne was able to crack a small smile. Seeing her good friend always made her happy.


(Y/N) entered the classroom, then looked at the stack of metal pieces of armor on the professor's desk, "The professor asked me to help you, so I'm here- Oh, those must be the pieces."

The blue haired girl peaked from behind her, to look at all those pieces of metal stacked over each other. (Y/N) picked one of the largest ones in the air.

"This must be the chest plate. Marianne, can you please lift your arms for me?"

"Oh, of course," Marianne did just as her friend asked.

After placing the chest plate, Marianne turned around so (Y/N) could place the shoulder plates on her shoulders.

(Y/N) chuckled, "Marianne, you're as stiff as a rock! Calm down, okay?"

Marianne nodded. It was true, she was so tense, but it wasn't her fault if (Y/N) was so close. If she turned around, she bet (Y/N)'s hand would touch her cheek! Marianne tried not to breath too hard, and only when (Y/N) parted from her, was she able to breathe normally.

"I-I never knew you knew your way around armor..."

"Oh, I used to help my sister a lot when it came to putting armor, back at home. It was hard at first, so I really don't blame you for not knowing how to," she tapped Marianne's shoulder, a proud grin plastered on her face, "Especially since it's your first time! I'm so proud of you; I knew you could pass the exam!"

Marianne smiled awkwardly, as she felt her cheeks getting a little warm.

After finally placing all of the metal pieces of armor on her blue haired friend, (Y/N) walked away, so she was able to look at Marianne, from a distance, as a whole.

"It's funny, I never thought armor could look good on someone until now. It's like you two were meant to be!"

Marianne let down her arms and looked at the floor beneath her, her cheeks crimson, "O-Oh, please, (Y/N)... watch what you are saying," she chuckled, earning a smile from her friend. Making Marianne laugh was always an achievement!

"Okay, maybe not meant to be, but seriously, look at yourself in the mirror (let's say there was a mirror in the classroom for whenever there was someone who changed classes because why not). You look great!"

(Y/N) gently pushed Marianne toward the mirror, staying beside her the whole time to see her reaction.

"Weeeeell? What do you think?"

"I... actually like it."

They both stayed quiet for a minute. Just looking at each other in the mirror.

"Great... great," she looked over at Marianne, "Not too large? Not too heavy? I can always ask the professor for another one if you like."

"No, no, it's fine. Although, forgive me fir asking but, would it be alright if you helped get out of this?"

"Marianne, of course!"

It took (Y/N) about half an hour to take all the pieces of armor of Marianne. And, when she finally finished, both of them started putting the pieces back in the sack.

"Godess, this is heavier then I thought it would be," noticed (Y/N), lifting the sack.

"Hum, are you sure you don't need my help?"

"Nope, I-I'm fine. I just need to give this back to the professor, wherever he is."

An awkward silence stood between the two friends before (Y/N) added, "Oh! Since Saint Seiros day is just around the corner, I've been wanting to ask you if you'd like to join me for choir on that day, since you like praying and all. Would you like to?"

Marianne wasn't the biggest fan of singing; especially in public. But, if (Y/N) was going to be there, singing along, she would might as well give in the offer. The idea that her dear friend wanted to spend time with her made her feel special inside.

"Yes, I would love that."

"Great! Then, I'll see you tomorrow in class. Bye, Marianne!"

"Bye, (Y/N)..."

As soon as (Y/N) left the room, Marianne was alone once again. Thinking about Saint Serios day ahead of her alongside (Y/N) made her laugh and smile. She was happy someone cared for her.

I finished, yay! I really hope this was worth reading. I tried making this fluffy, but I didn't want to make it too fluffy because every time I try to write something with fluff, it gets cringe. So if there isn't enough fluff, expect some more in the Oneshots ahead. :)

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