Expression (AiRina)

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(Published November 21, 2020)

No One's POV

Rina was once again alone in her classroom. She shrugged the loneliness away and focused on the sketchpad before her. She entertains herself by drawing the possible facial expressions she might need in a conversation. As to why she does this, she can't express her emotions nor feelings with her face. She always has a poker face on. She has a complex about that and found a solution by putting a board before her face to have expressions in her stead.

Honestly, the sadness in her heart at the moment is thrice stronger than usual. No, make that ten times. She has found herself in a group of exciting people in the school idol club of the school. Heck even the student council president had found her way in the club. With those reassuring presence of the members of the club gone and no club activities for the day, Rina couldn't help but sigh.

Rina had attempted to go to the club room during lunch but she was met with the club manager, Yuu by the door. Yuu said there were no club activities for today and feel free to do anything you want for the rest of the day. Thanks to the afternoon classes, Rina got her head off of the anxious look on Yuu's face when she saw her.

Now she has ran out of other possible expressions she might use, so she took out the Rina-chan board. She added the things she came up a while ago and tweaked a bit of stuff with the technology. Feeling the need to check it out she brought out a mirror and put the tech on. She excitedly made out twitches in her face to trigger the expression change in the tech. She was proud at her work that it perfectly worked. She took it off and gently returned it to where had kept it. If you would look at her closely, there would be a grin on her face or her eyes might show it.

Without anything else to help her distract herself from the loneliness, she decided to stand up from her seat and started pacing around the room. She told herself many times to not entertain the negative thoughts that are running around her head. With the situation she is in at the moment, it's difficult to fight off those lines of negative thinking.

Where could everyone be? I'm alone like this and everyone is grouped together? Am I being left out? Did I do something wrong? Did I offend them in some ways? Am I not fit to be around them anymore? Am I not needed? Is there no reason for me to belong and have fun with them?

No! I shouldn't doubt the kindness they have shown me. I can't let this break me. Besides it's only today, right?

She stopped by the window and looked at the carefree clouds floating in the sky. She kept her eyes trained on the movement of the clouds as with the cold wind blowing through the tops of the trees. She kept the tears from forming and just blindly looking at the setting sky. Then-

"Rina-rii!" A loud bubbly voice, she was really fond of, came at just the right moment. She thought she was saved from the pains of loneliness the second she heard that voice.

"Here you are! I looked for you at all the possible places you could be. I never thought you didn't leave your classroom. Did Shizuku and Kasumi leave without you?" The blonde gyaru-like girl went inside the room and ran to Rina's side.

"Ai-san..." Rina nodded at the question. She didn't bother using the board with Ai with her. It was mysterious how Ai would be able to know how or what she was thinking about, but she's also happy about that.

"Don't worry about that! They had something to do. So I came here to accompany you." Ai grinned at Rina, indirectly telling her to leave it all to her.

Rina looked up at Ai and brought the board up just to cover half of her face. Ai knew exactly what she wanted, Ai could never resist those pleading golden eyes from the pink haired. She let out a sigh, a can't-be-helped sigh, and put a hand over the smaller girl's head and stroked it. A headpat. A headpat from Ai really helps Rina calm down, or maybe it's just the atmosphere around her?

"What can I do with you Rina?" Ai leaned back after taking a seat on one of the chairs. Rina was leaning into her touch now, totally enjoying it. As if it were paradise, a shower of bliss just from Ai's hand. Rina thought that there was some godly power behind that hand and that big smile from the blonde.

"Pet me more?" Rina added the moment Ai had lifter her hand from the smaller girl's head. A shy pink shaded Ai's cheeks when she heard that request. She also made her free hand move to Rina's cheeks and the other still on Rina's hair. She couldn't stop the giddy feeling off of her and just let it out by petting Rina good.

Getting her senses back, she gasped and stood up, startling the pink cat who was sitting on her lap comfortably. "Ah, I shouldn't be indulging myself too much." She took a deep breath before looking at Rina and helped her up. "Sorry for startling you, Rina-rii."

"Ai-san!!!" A call from outside the room. "We're ready!"

"Oh!" A satisfied smile forms on Ai's face making Rina look at her in confusion. "Come here, Rina." Ai pulled on the called girl by the hand and escorted her to the door.

Ai opened the door for her. Rina was met with the rest of the school idol club members wearing a party hat. Kasumi and Shizuku were holding a cake together.

"Happy birthday Rina-rii!"

Just this time, there was a real smile on Rina's face. Not the board nor her drawings. It was a small smile. It was but a small smile that brought the others to smile and laugh heartily.


That was Shun-chan!

I know it's a week late, but it's still the same month. So...

Happy Birthday Tenshi, Tensai, Tennoji Rina-chan!

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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