A Little Relaxed (KotoUmi)

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(Published March 15, 2021)

No One's POV

A disciplinary officer makes her rounds on the school grounds. As per usual. Following the instructions given by the head of the committee. She faces the lean back that seems to be shown off despite the black uniform she is wearing and the blonde hair tied into its usual pony tail. She only nods and leaves the room quietly just as she did as she entered.

Though the blue haired, stoic disciplinary officer is diligently does her rounds. She doesn't spot the light-hearted girl on her way to capture the straight-faced officer. The ashen pulls on the officer's arm and makes the officer's hat slowly sit on the ground instead of the top of her head. The officer is broken from her poker face and is flustered, making the ashen giggle.

"You're too serious for your own good, Umi-chan." The ashen continues to giggle. She lets go of the called girl's arm and picks up the fallen hat, returning it to the officer.

"If that's the case, you're the one who's too lax, Kotori." Umi turns the hat on her head and fits it back to its position. The called girl laughs at the statement. "If that continues, I might have to bring you to the disciplinary committee's room before Ayase-san." Umi sighs.

"What would your reason for capturing me then?" Kotori presses, a teasing tone prevails in her voice.

"I can arrange for that at a later date." Umi pulls the hat down and covers her face as she looks the other way. Kotori beams and takes a hold of the blue haired's hand once again, much to the embarrassment of the latter.

"Then! Let's eat lunch together! That much should be alright, don't you think?" Umi grumbles under her breath, still not used to the display of affection from the ashen's expression. She settles with a slight nod of her head, definitely not noticing the blush that crept up on her cheeks. Nonetheless, she made the ashen delighted with her choice. That's all that matters. "See you during lunch, Umi-chan. Don't be too hard on yourself and overdo it."

The ashen waves her goodbye and leaves for her own classroom. The blue haired grasps on her chest and takes a deep breath she was holding.

"Haaaaa... She really catches me off guard too often to my liking." Umi mutters to herself and takes a moment to really relax, then catch herself back on track. "Now onto the task at hand. Let's just hope that Ayase-san hadn't caught on what happened earlier. She's really too sly to not take seriously." Umi sighs and continues on her route.

Classes passed by just as it always do. For Umi she's as serious as ever, paying attention to the teacher, writing down every important detail. Not that that's not what a student is supposed to do. Kotori happily waits for the bell that signals another health break for the students. This time a longer one. Lunch.

Kotori is the first to stand and leave her seat after the bell had finally rang. She's off to find the disciplinary officer she's so fond of. Of course she knows where the classroom of the person in question is. It's only because she knows so much of the blue haired's schedule since they always find each other in their own route. That's why she can make those surprise attack on Umi a definite success.

"Uhhh... Sonoda-san, someone is looking for you." One of the called girl's classmate calls out to her. Judging from the slight surprise in her voice, Umi can tell that the classmate had not expected that someone from another class would call upon such a serious person with so much energy. Umi questions herself at who could be by that door looking for her. Until realization hits her and sees the ashen waving her hand towards her. She can only bit her lip at fighting off the embarrassment that is sure to go inside her mind at that very moment. She quickly takes her bag and strides to the door, swiftly taking Kotori out of the commotion that might be made of she were to make any sudden loud noises.

"Kotori! You should've waited somewhere else!" Umi stops after a fair distance had been left in the dust.

"But we didn't agree on a place." Hearing that response and seeing the pout on Kotori's face, Umi can only bite her lip in defeat.

"Fine, fine. Just... get that frown off your face." Umi takes Kotori's hands in her making Kotori have a big smile on her face.

"That's exactly why I love you, Umi-chan!" Kotori links her arms with Umi, who has her face all flared up but isn't doing any action to brush the girl away.

"...Let's eat lunch before the bells ring on us." Umi brings Kotori with her to the rooftop. That place should be enough of a privacy than sitting on the grass in the yard of the school. And away from prying eyes of the disciplinary head who keeps on finding something to tease with to her people.

After school, Umi goes back to the room. This time Ayase faces the blue haired with a wide grin. Noticing the unusual action from the blonde, Umi flinches.

"So Sonoda has a girlfriend too..." Ayase says in a teasing tone. It takes awhile for Umi to pick up on what the other girl was implying. She finally got the message and brings a hand over to her mouth.

"Ayase-san has a girlfriend!?" The called girl nods with a proud demeanor.

"Of course. Always had and will be. Wanna see her Sonoda?" The blonde excitedly pulls out her phone and opens to her gallery. She faces the screen to her subordinate, it shows a purple haired woman who is also gifted in the chest department, but what catches her attention is the beautiful face of the lady. She nods to herself while thinking that, 'Ayase-san has pretty good taste.'

"Hmmm..." Umi unintentionally just hums and nods her head. She realizes that when the blonde had already took back her phone.

"What's with that reaction Sonoda?" She seems to reply with a grumble which is pretty cute from the disciplinary head. "Anyways, let me see yours too."

"Right away, here you go." Umi takes out her phone fast and just opens her lockscreen. The ashen was clearly smiling in the picture and the blonde can see why she had it on lockscreen.

"You're in really deep, aren't you?" Ayase looks up from the screen when it automatically goes off. Clueless of what the blonde was trying to say, Umi cocks her head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"Uhh, nevermind that. I'm just going to say that I'm not restricting you with spending time with her. I always spend mine with my girlfriend too. So feel free to do as you please. Just don't forget to look out for those breaking the rules, it's our duty as disciplinary officers after all." The blonde steps out of her desk and walks to the blue haired. She puts a reassuring hand on Umi's shoulder.

"Got it, Ayase-san." Umi relaxes at the gesture and added in another word, "Thank you."

"With that said, go have fun. Today's class is finished after all."


"I'll call Hoshizora to fill up for you this afternoon. Just work hard tomorrow again." Umi visibly smiles at the words leaving her senior's mouth.

"Roger!" Umi leaves the room with a laughing blonde, definitely satisfied with what she just did. Then she remembers she still has to call the youngest to the room to know of the change of schedule on that day.


That was Shun-chan!

Love arrow shoot!

Happy birthday to the soft demon coach of u's, Umi!

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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