Soft Cuddles (RubyMaru)

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(Published March 4, 2021)

Hanamaru's POV

It's already morning when I came to. I looked at the alarm clock that was given to me in advance by Yoshiko-chan since they already booked for a trip in another place. Riko-chan told me she tried to stop her, I only giggled when I received the phone call after the package was sent. Of course, the clock had black feathers as its design.

I set the alarm clock to ring by 7 am, and its already way past that. Meaning, the only other occupant of this house was the one who turned it off before I even wake up.


I slide my legs off the soft bed, slipping in the slippers that was under the bed. I groggily bring myself up to find the redhead. The redhead I needed. Now, where could she be?

"Hanamaru-chan! You surprised me!" The second I saw her red pigtails hopping about in the air, I went quickly to her side and planted a quick peck on the cheek. I grinned when she put a hand over her cheek, leaving the pan on low heat.

"Good morning, Ruby-chan." I whispered as I snaked my arms on her stomach, resting my chin on her shoulder, completely comfortable under the warmth and scent she is making from the simple fried eggs on the pan.

"Happy birthday, Hanamaru-chan. Do you want something for today?" She asked, finishing up the fried eggs and putting it over a plate, turning off the stove. She ran a hand over mine on her stomach, I actually shivered a bit when she did. It's not that long since we started living together, but the small instances where Ruby-chan initiates or even reciprocates, it never failed to bring small shivers or even make me skip a beat. Well, I never thought she actually liked me since she was always talking over the phone with Leah-chan, I have nothing against her or anything, or go places with her.

"Hmmmmmmmm~" I thought the question over. I snuggled my head into her neck then separating, leaving my arms on her stomach. "Another day with Ruby-chan." I smiled at the visible line of blush coloring her cheeks.

"We do that everyday." She pouts. She breaks my hold on her stomach and takes hold of one of my hands. She still pulls me by the hand and brings me to the dining table to eat breakfast. "Let's eat breakfast first." 

"Okay~" I happily ate the breakfast prepared by my precious girlfriend, hearing quiet grumbles from the redhead.

"Ah!" Ruby-chan suddenly exclaimed as soon as she finished her breakfast. I look at her in surprise.

"Ruby-chan?" I ask with worry, putting down the spoon I was holding. My full attention at the redhead.

"I-I a-actually have something for you..." She mumbles but I heard it loud and clear. I smiled affectionately at the comment. She takes her time to stand up and take something in our room. I took that time to actually finished the food prepared for me.

"H-Hanamaru-chan..." She stuttered, but the later part of my name being called was said in a kind of irritated tone. I look at her questioningly. My Ruby-chan isn't like this.

"Is this an act?" I look at her like the end of the world is coming. She turns her head to the side and hands me a wrapped gift.

"Here. Your gift." I reluctantly received the gift, keeping an eye at Ruby-chan's expression. Finally taking a hint that this really was an act.

"Thank you, Ruby-chan." I brought the gift to my chest. I opened the gift right after, not failing to notice the occasional worried glance from the redhead, I couldn't help but giggle at what she was trying to do in the moment. I cocked my head to the side to see a book, though it's unquestionable how much the both of us love books. I brought it out and it was a journal and a little note slipped into the first page of it.

'A journal for the two of us to fill up with memories...'

I swooned at the little note and pulled the Ruby-chan who was clearly struggling to keep up the act. I guess the act was part of the surprise. I was genuinely surprised.

"Thank you, really. I'd love to fill it up with all the memories we'll make during the year." I put her into a warm embrace, running a hand on her stroke. When she reciprocated the hug, that was when I knew she gave up on keeping the act. "Though I'll still take up that day with you today. Of course full of cuddles and sweet words from you Ruby-chan. A kiss is definitely very welcome-"

She cut me off before I could finish the sentence. Not that I didn't like it. I leaned into the kiss and silently put the journal down on the dining table.

I'm definitely looking forward to what Ruby has in store for me today.


That was Shun-chan!

Happy birthday to one of my best girls in Sunshine!!

It's been awhile since I actually wrote for these two, in my opinion.

Now I to take that much needed sleep, I'm not feeling exactly that well, physically. For today.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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