Moving In (AnjuErena)

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(Published June 22, 2019)

Erena's POV

"Hey Erena! How are you and Anju doing?" Tsubasa called out as she raised her right hand with that huge grin.

"Hey Tsubasa. We're fine, no need to worry about us." I replied as I closed the gap between us and smiled.

"I brought my wife with me if you don't mind." She said emphasizing those two words.

"Well, that's fine." I replied as I reacted angrily in my head and yes, I know she's married.

"So, when are you two getting married?"

"Around next month." I answered briefly.

"..Um.. Where's Anju?" Tsubasa's wife, Honoka asked out of nowhere.

"She's organizing some stuff up for the wedding, Honoka-san" I answered as I smiled.

"Do you live together?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No, not yet." Tsubasa answered lowly and looked away. "She's not yet ready for living together. But we will, sooner or later."

Honoka was hiding her face in pure emvarrassment as seen with her face red up to her ears.

'I think I know what's the problem...' I thought.

"Hmm, okay then." I said as a smile formed on my face.

"Aren't you guys going somewhere?" I asked trying to let them leave in a roundabout way.

"Yeah, we have a date." Tsubasa said as she pulled up Honoka with her from their seat and Honoka blushed at the last word.

'I guess she's still not to used to Tsubasa yet. Well, they just got married a few months earlier.' I thought as I smiled at her reactions.

"So, bye now, Erena. See you later at your wedding!" Tsubasa waved goodbye, showing her ring as if it shined.

I waved them goodbye to and went to Anju's apartment as my smile faded away.

"That Tsubasa..." I said below my breath as I clenched my fist and continued to talk to myself. "Just you wait and we'll do it too..."

Then, I smiled as I thought of something good.

I arrived in front of Anju's door and called her phone.

After a few rings, she picked up-

"Hi, Erena. What's the call for? You can always come here in the apartment anytime." She answered the call with question noticeable by her tone.

"Well... I am here right now though." I said a little embarrassed.

"Wait- what?" She asked unbelieving of what I just said.

"I'm in front of your door right now." I answered now a lot more firm.

"Wait a minute, I'll open it now." She said and ended the call.

Then, the door opened and there she was, the most beautiful woman in my eyes and who I am engaged to.

"Why didn't you just ring the doorbell?" She asked as she looked at me, smiling.

"I wanted to hear your voice first." I answered as I smiled with charisma.

"Okay, come on in and let's talk. You came here to talk, right?" She said as she let me in and led me to the living room.

"So what is it? You have been anxious since you called me earlier. It was very noticeable because of all the years we have been through together as A-RISE. We have already retired though. So once again, what is it you want to talk about?" She continuously said and sat on the sofa and I sat in front of her.

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