Cozy Warmth (KanaMari)

137 4 0

(Published February 15, 2021)

No One's POV

"I won't hold back even if it's against you, Kanan-senpai. This is a match after all."

"I wasn't expecting that from you at all, You-chan. Now, if you please, Dia." Kanan looks at the black haired and nodded.

"Enough talking. Start!" Dia signals the start of the match. You moves first as she targets the back of Kanan who moves backward in response to You's move.

"Going for it, aren't you?" Kanan smiles at You's brilliant attack, though it was expected of the ashen.

"Of course." You makes a small smirk before making her next move. She tumbles on the ground as a diversion and jumps to the air, moving in for a dropping kick.

Kanan stands her guard up above her head. Keeping an open palm for other measures, then contact happens. You grits her teeth as she feels Kanan's grip on her right leg. Kanan uses that opportunity to drop You on the floor and apprehends her position.

"You did good, You. Though not as good as me yet. You still have my praise." Kanan chuckles at the defeated look You's face was sporting.

"Enough teasing for the day, Kanan-san. As expected, you'll be the representative for this year's competition as well. Yout efforts will come into fruition at the right time, You-san." Dia puts a hand on Kanan's shoulder to ease the hold she was doing on the ashen. Dia then helps the defeated ashen up to her feet.

"I know that, Dia-senpai. It's just... frustrating." You clenches her hand until she feels a familiar warmth covering it. She looks up to see an exasperated smile from her mikan haired companion.

"Then we'll have Chika-san take care of that for you." Dia smiles when You makes the same ones when she sees Chika's kind eyes.

"That's my responsibility as her girlfriend after all." Chika proudly says with a huff, a fist on her chest. You is seen visibly having a light blush on her face.

"There's that too." Dia puts her hands on her hips, relieved. She turns around to find the blonde had already started pampering Kanan by letting the latter take refuge on the former's lap, running a hand across Kanan's hair. "You never miss a beat at all, Mari-san. I'll leave you guys to it. I'll have to go home." Dia makes a small wave towards the blonde who does the same with an understanding smile.

"Dia already left Kanan." Mari retracts her hand from Kanan's hair. Kanan takes hold of that wrist and brings up to her lips, kissing it.

"Please continue..." Kanan places the hand back on her head, closing her eyes right after. Definitely taking comfort in the soft thighs of the blonde, snuggling in.

"You're acting spoiled right now. Not that I hate it." Even if Mari said that, she proceeds to stroke Kanan's head.

"I know you love me." Kanan chuckles at that. Still soaking in the warmth the blonde is giving off. Mari only laughs along with the athlete.

They stay like that for a couple of minutes. Until the afterglow of the setting sun only seeps through the big windows of the gym. Mari notices the steady rise and fall of the shoulders of the sleeping Kanan. She is certainly starting to feel her thighs cramp, but seeing the peaceful sleeping face of Kanan is urging her insides not to do anything. She's at a loss.

"Mari-senpai!" The ashen had returned to gym, genuinely surprised to still see the blonde in the gym. Mari places a finger before her lips and that made You to look down and see that Kanan was sleeping. In respect of Kanan, You quietly goes to Mari to make small talk. She leaves the blonde when she sees Chika's hair poking in from the door. You politely takes her leave, worried about the blonde's legs.

"They finally left." Kanan mumbles as she slowly sits up, facing the now flushed Mari.

"If you were awake then you should have shown me mercy! Now my legs are asleep." Mari pouts, crossing her arms and looking in the opposite direction of Kanan.

"That's no problem at all. I've taken a good nap on your soft like pillows lap." Kanan grins. She swiftly puts an arm on the other's waist and behind the knees, lifting Mari up like it was no sweat at all. "Let's go home, Mari."

Mari was unable to reply. She only resigns to the confident demeanor of her girlfriend, burying her face into Kanan's neck.

Another few minutes after leaving the school, Mari looks up at Kanan's face.

"Aren't you tired yet, Kanan?" Mari asks with a furrowed brow.

"You know me Mari and what I'm proud of myself is my amount of stamina. I'm nowhere near tired and this is nice every once in a while too." Kanan smiles at the woman in her arms who retreats back into her neck. That resulted in giggles.

"...That confidence is unfair sometimes." Mari mumbles but Kanan absolutely heard that.

"Like the same cannot be said to you." Those string of words only worsens the blush that was already on Mari's cheeks.

Then suddenly Mari remembers something. Because of that, the blush on her cheeks were replaced by a teasing smirk.

"Ah right, I have a present waiting for you at home." Hearing that stopped Kanan in her tracks, a frown on her face.

"I already told you that wasn't necessary." Mari only puts a hand on Kanan's cheek, caressing it.

"I wanted to do it. Unless you want something else." Mari suggests, Kanan leans into the touch since she's unable to cover it with her own.

"You are already perfect enough of a present Mari. I don't need anything else." Mari was left tongue-tied, though she kind of expected those words to come out of the girl's mouth.

"Then," Mari brings herself closer to Kanan's cheeks, placing a short chaste kiss on it. "Happy birthday, Kanan."


Heya, it's Shun-chan!

Just a short thing for the dolphin.

Now I have to go back to preparing for that defense... Sigh...

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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