Unplanned (YuuPomu)

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(Published March 1, 2021)

No One's POV

As much as Yuu wanted to make a plan for her best friend's birthday, the days just seemed to end much faster and faster and soon after the awaited day came. And she still has not even an idea for one.

When Setsuna asked for some company, that was when Yuu finally got to relax. Ayumu didn't seem to mind too and just continued talking with Ai and Rina, Rina was sitting on the blonde's lap like this was a usual thing and Ai on the other hand, has a hand ruffling on Rina's hair. So she just gently tapped on Ayumu's shoulder to let Ayumu sit up and not lean anymore on her shoulder. Ayumu only gave Yuu a look and a nod a second later. That was enough of a permission for Yuu to leave. Yuu smiled at Ayumu before leaving with Setsuna.

"You were spacing out Yuu-san. Still haven't got something?" Setsuna walked ahead of Yuu, she paused and turned around. "For Ayumu-san?"

"Yeah. I just can't wrap my head around what I want to do for her." Yuu doesn't even get flustered and just looks up. That made Setsuna pout a little, though it was not her intention to tease, she did want to see a flustered Yuu every now and then.

"You know her best, Yuu-san. I'm sure you can come up with something wonderful. Whatever it might be, Ayumu-san is sure to be super happy. It's from you after all." Setsuna cheered as they continued walking wherever their feet will bring them. It was never concrete from the start, Setsuna didn't say anything of a destination, a simple walk with conversation was all it was.

"I know that, but that's exactly why I can't think of anything." Yuu says with frutration, clenching her fist on the side and looks down, making Setsuna stop on her tracks once again.

"Then how about a confession, Yuu-san? She'd be so happy hearing it, she'd burst into tears." Setsuna can't help but grin at the remark she just made and the sudden line of pink on Yuu's straight face, made her laugh.

"That's- How- When-" Yuu slams a hand to her face in defeat. The sound of Setsuna laughing made her even more embarrassed and brought the other hand to her face as well, hoping those will help her bury her face. "I'm that obvious?"

"Yes. You're both so obvious, Yuu-san. I still wonder why you aren't even together yet." Setsuna smiled at Yuu peeking through her fingers and then hiding behind them once again. "I'm not saying you're current relationship is a problem. With Ayumu-san like that, she can do her best even better if she has you by her side, as her girlfriend."

Hearing the last word, Yuu was sure she would go even redder but that wasn't the case. The word just helped her made up her mind. Girlfriends is a stage higher than just being best friends. A big smile on Ayumu's face also passed through her mind, that also played a part in the determined glint in her eyes.

She just needed a light push on the back.

"You're right, Setsuna-chan. I should've done this sooner. Thanks for the breather!" Yuu hastily runs back to the clubroom after seeing Setsuna's encouraging smile.

"Yuu-chan?" Ayumu looks into the face of the called girl in surprise. Yuu pulls the girl into her arms, Ayumu is clearly so happy to be held so dearly in the arms of the person she loves. "What's the occasion, Yuu-chan?"

"Your birthday." Yuu replies with much comfort in the return of her embrace, she reaches for Ayumu's ear and softly whispers, "...I love you, Ayumu-chan. Happy birthday."

"....!!" It took a few seconds for Ayumu to react at the words being whispered to her ear, she had to fully run through her brain if this was a dream or reality. "Yuu-chan?!" Her face is bright red now and that made Yuu giggle.

"What do you say, Ayumu?" The sudden name calling made the called girl to blink a few times, then she smiled and pulled the girl closer to her and whispers the same thing.

Maybe not having planned everything was a good thing after all, Yuu notes. She also has to thank Setsuna properly soon.


Heya, it's Shun-chan!

Happy birthday to Ayupomu!

I really need to read those chapters in the game now....

But I'm still too much into the collab with sunshine in the revue starlight game...

Anyways, I think it's getting shorter and shorter, my oneshots, guess that's just the tiredness seeping through...

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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