Weight (KanaMari)

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(Published June 13, 2021)

No One's POV

"Kanan-san! Mari-san!" A coworker of theirs called back to them. The two of them were quite behind with Kanan caring for Mari, as she always does.

"We'll catch up later. You go on ahead!" Kanan replies back as she lets Mari lean to her side. Her heart sinks when she feels the intense rise and fall of her chest and the ragged breathing she's hearing.

"I-I'm fine. W-we can keep going." Mari struggles to say all that in one breath. She hurriedly covers her mouth as another rage of coughs get out.

Kanan gets even more frustrated when Mari was clearly in pain. She's having difficulty breathing and the look in her eyes that just says that she wishes for that pain to just disappear.

"Where's your inhaler?"

Mari looks at Kanan in surprise but couldn't say anything due to the coughs. She resorts to pointing to the big bag on her back.

Without another word, Kanan takes Mari's bag away from her bag and takes out the inhaler. She doesn't return Mari's bag to her, instead she puts it on her shoulder.

"Here you go. This should let your asthma subside at least for a few hours right? I'll be carrying your bag, so keep it easy alright?" Mari's heart clenches at how considerate Kanan is being. She grabs the inhaler from her hand and breathes in the medicine with her mouth. She takes a deep breath.

"Now that's better. Thanks as always Kanan." Mari smiles and taps on Kanan's shoulders.

"I knew I should have not agreed to you agreeing on going to this trip. We we're not obliged to after all." Kanan sighs as she follows the now energetic Mari.

Mari is asthmatic and Kanan was always there for her when it happens to suddenly attack her out of nowhere. It occasionally happens by the end of summer and just mildly all throughout the year.

Kanan had already seen the worst Mari had with her asthma and she doesn't want to see that again. All the pain she was feeling in those string of days, she felt it too.

She just doesn't want her to be in pain with that despicable sickness.

"You okayed with the condition that I will let you be by my side at all times and I agreed with that because..." Mari started to feel her blood rush to her cheek when she thought of the next words she would have to say. She stopped before she could even say it and picked up her pace that Kanan had to lightly jog after her.

"Because what? Hey wait for me! You're not supposed to be that energetic that soon! Be careful!" Kanan thought her heart would jump out of her chest when Mari almost got her balance wrong on a rock but quickly jumped to the flat surface. Kanan took a sigh of relief right then and there.

Of course Mari's parents tried all they can to help their daughter cope with her asthma. They tried for swimming lessons or just sports in general as they would help make her lungs healthier. It didn't work. All it did was make her good with all sorts of sports.

Isn't that kinda ironic? An asthmatic person who is athletic. That's probably just because of the condition of their body at that moment.

"Safe!" Mari giggled and made a big smile to Kanan.

"What do I do with you?" Kanan buckled the bags on her back and immediately went to Mari's side. "Tell me if you're tired. I'll carry you on my back."

"No way. You're already carrying those bags. I won't be an additional weight for you, you muscle idiot." Mari pouts as she leads the way to the clearing from the kinda slope they just went into when it was supposed to be just a forest and they'll be camping.

"That insult is way too overused Mari." Kanan chuckles and then whispers to herself, "I don't mind you being weight for me."

"I'll call you that for as long as I can." Mari snuck her tongue out and quickly got it back in as their coworkers come into view, calling out to them enthusiastically. "Come on they're calling for us."

Mari takes a hold of Kanan's hold who's face softens up at the touch as she lets herself be lead to the group by the person who is supposed to be sick.

She doesn't mind this and must be liking this a whole lot than she thinks. It still doesn't seem like the time to letting her feelings out in the open.

So with a not so forced of smile, Kanan lightly squeezes on the hand that's leading her.


That was Shun-chan!

Happy birthday to the rich blonde of Aqours! Shiny!

It's another short one and I wrote this in one sitting, haha.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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