Eventful Morning (TsubaHonk)

99 1 2

(Published August 3, 2021)

No One's POV

When the older of the two wakes up, she turns to the side and confirms that her partner was indeed by her side. And she really was. She was even taking relaxed breaths with that beautiful face of hers. It was only the start of her partner brightening up her day.

Then the brighter of the two flutters her eyes open and immediately smiles when she sees that her partner has already reached out to caress her cheek. She holds that hand and leans even closer to it. As a result, it brought about cheery giggles from the both of them.

"Good morning Tsubasa-chan." She takes the hand in hers and brings it to her lips.

"Morning, Honoka." She sits up and the called girl gladly follows. Honoka closes in on to stick to Tsubasa's side, resting her chin on the onler girl's shoulder. Tsubasa giggles fondly at the action. "You're being do cozy so early in the morning. Is it because of what today is?"

"What does the date have anything to do with me wanting to be lovey-dovey with Tsubasa-chan?" Honoka visibly pouts at the remark that her partner just made. Tsubasa resorts to kissing her partner, easily smiling into the kiss and backing away and laughs.

"Of course it does. It's your birthday. I've got things planned." Tsubasa playfully pinches Honoka's cheeks. The younger girl finally realizes what day it was and still went in to stick herself to Tsubasa's side.

"Can't we just stay home and cuddle?"

"We can do that everyday. But a birthday only happens once a year. I want to make it special for a very special person in the very special place of my heart." Tsubasa is too smooth for these things and Honoka doesn't know what to do with this smooth talker but to fall even more in love with this person. No matter how many years have already passed.

Honoka bashfully nods as her embarrassment slowly settles into her cheeks and reaches to her ears. Tsubasa taps on Honoka's thigh twice to signal her to finally get out of bed.

"Kotori reminded me to tell you to go to the bakery before I got home last night." Tsubasa suddenly remembered and just said it as she takes a hold of Honoka's hand.

"Ah! Bakery! Bread! I'll get ready in a jiffy!" Tsubasa chuckled at the sudden burst of energy from her partner and let her do as she please. All she needed to do anyways was to change out of her comfy top into a polo.

"It says that it's still closed..." Honoka gloomily looks over at the sign on the door and peers into the clear glass of the door.

"I'll call her so calm down and come over here." Tsubasa takes out her phone and puts it over her ear after putting down the number she needs while she gestures for the active girl to stop looking like a burglar looking for a way to break in. Though she isn't exactly that since her friend is the owner of the shop. "Kotori so we are out of the shop right now..."

The ashen rushed from the back of the bakeshop to the front to welcome the guests she invited over.

"Sorry for letting you wait out there for a while. Umi-chan is still asleep so she couldn't wake me up and I just woke up from the call you made." Kotori apologetically bowed and let the couple in.

"Umi-chan is still asleep?!" Honoka giggles at the thought and was making her way to where the bedroom was to play with the still asleep Umi. She was thankfully stopped by Tsubasa before Kotori got to step in. "Tsubasa-chaaan..."

"Let her sleep Honoka. We're here for Kotori." Tsubasa wrapped Honoka in one arm and let her stick to her side.

"Wait here for a bit. I'll go wake her and pick something along the way." Kotori stepped out of the space and into the back.

"You are being kind bold Tsubasa-chan..."

"I always am."

"That usually happens outside."

"Well that's..."

"W-why is Honoka and Tsubasa-san here, Kotori?" Umi with her bedhair and pajamas was pointing at the visitors with trembling hands.

"I invited them over for a meal since it is Honoka-chan's birthday." Kotori calmly walks to the side of her blue haired with a smile plastered on her face. Tsubasa can tell that the ashen wanted to see that face from Umi.

"Honoka's birthday...?" Umi mumbled until the words sinked in. Then she got so shocked that no sound came out of her.

"You forgot Umi-chan? I'm hurt." Honoka acts all sad from hearing those words from her dear friend.

"Don't worry Umi-chan, I got both of us covered." Kotori brings out a present from her back and places it on the table in front of the other couple. "Happy birthday Honoka-chan!" Seeing the present, Honoka's eyes sparkled while Umi let out a sigh of relief, still oblivious to her bedhair and Tsubasa is trying her best to refrain from laughing because of it.

"Kotori-chan!" Honoka exclaims in happiness and hugs the ashen.

"Honoka, hands away from Kotori." Umi appears behind the two with bloodlust in her eyes.

"Calm down Umi. You know how Honoka is." Tsubasa tries her best to not let the blue haired kill Honoka. She took a glance at Kotori who seems to have been excited at seeing Umi like that, Tsubasa could only sigh. "Fine, I'll take Honoka. Let's have our meal."

"Ah, right." Kotori got out of her trance. "I'll take out the cheesecake."


That was Shun-chan!

I still think there isn't enough of Tsubahonk out there! And I just love them being all domestic.

I mean, who doesn't like a domestic adult life of them?

Happy birthday to the start of  Love Live, Honoka!

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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