Chasing a Cat (Little Witch Academia Visit)

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(Published November 3, 2020)

No One's POV

A brunette has accidentally arrived on a wide field of a large school.

"What is this place?" The brunette asked herself.

"We were supposed to be heading to Luna Nova, but this place is..." The short blonde with glasses cautiously looked around their surroundings.

"Akko put us in a different direction this time." The gloomy girl sighed but the grin on her face never left.

"That was never my intention! I thought Shiny Rod was leading me someplace!" The brunette raised her staff above her face and looked at it curiously, as if asking where it took them.

"Excuse me..." A faint small voice was heard in the background. This made the three girls looked to its direction.

"Metamorphie Fasciesse!" The little brunette casted the spell for herself to transform into the elephant with big ears to help her fly high in the air to get a good view of the surroundings. That spell went wrong when they heard an unfamiliar sound.


"You didn't focus enough, Akko." The blonde said, looking at the disappointed brunette who was still eyeing her wand intently.

"As expected of Akko, pft" The gloomier girl tried to refrain from laughing.

"Sucy!" Akko called, a bit of anger in her tone.

"Nya?" The orange cat leaned its head to the side. It's purr made the three look back at the problem.

"Is that a cat or a dog?" The blonde couldn't help but voice out her question. She was looking at the lower half of the supposed cat and it looked like that of a dog's hind legs.

"It meowed, so its a cat, isn't it Lotte?" Sucy peered a closer look at the creature, poking it. The sudden sensation on its side made it run away.

"After it!" Akko yelled as she quickly ran after the creature. The other two followed with their shoulders shrugged. They can't exactly risk on getting to another place, which could be potentially dangerous. But this place doesn't seem like one with all the bright green trees around them.

"Rin-chan!" A softer, meeker voice was heard by the brunette who was after the creature first.

"Let's bring you to Nozomi-chan to have you change back alright?" The voice continued, Akko stepped out of the bushes to find a brunette rubbing the creatures' chin. The sound Akko made, made the person holding the creature to stop what she was doing and turn her attention to the intruder.

"...I'm sorry!" The short haired brunette immediately apologized before disappearing into the forest.

"Did you lose it, Akko?" Sucy asked, moving a stray branch in her way with her hand.

"Someone picked it up." Akko simply replied, blankly staring into the direction where the woman had left.

"Picked it up?" Lotte couldn't help cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"I think I saw her heading towards a cabin." Akko concluded before running on ahead again, leaving the other two be dazed for a bit before following after Akko.

"Welcome back, Hanayo-chan." A purple haired greeted the short haired brunette.

"The usual please..." The called girl sighed as she presented the purplette with the orange cat.

"A cat as always... But she doesn't look like a full cat. What happened Hanayo-chan?" The purplette took the creature from Hanayo's hands.

"Eh?" Hanayo only looked at the purplette in confusion. "What do you mean?"

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