Pure Angel (YohaRuby)

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(Published July 18, 2020)

Yoshiko's POV

I may have fallen, but I was once an angel. I was one of the strongest of the angels were put on tiers. I am Yohane-sama, grace yourself with my presence.

"It's still too early in the morning for this Yoshiko-chan. Stop it, zura." A nonchalant voice I heard from a precious little demon. She smacked the book on top of my head and I was instantly brought back to the real world. "Your actions are showing, zura."

Ticked by what she had just called me, I retorted, "I told you it's Yohane!" I put my bag down on my desk and buried my face in my arms as soon as I took my seat. Actually, I'm really grateful to Zuramaru. Not that I'm gonna say it to her myself. She keeps on tolerating my antics and stopping me before I even do something even crazier. I don't know how she knows her cue.

"Good morning Hanamaru-chan!" Greeted another cheery voice as soon as she spotted the brunette. "Oh, g-g-good morning to you too, Y-yohane-san." Here we go again. I lazily brought my head up to meet the shy redhead.

"You don't have to be that cautious around me. And also Yoshiko is just fine."

"Hearing you talk like that almost never fails to surprise me, Yoshiko-chan, zura." The brunette covered her mouth with a hand and I'm pretty sure she was hiding a grin.

"You're one to talk Zuramaru. How about trying not to add 'zura' to your sentences for a day?" I challenged the brunette, a grin was forming on my face.

"T-that!" Zuramaru exclaimed, she jolted off of her seat.

"G-guys!" The poor redhead tried to not let us fight each other, which was never an option. I'd never actually fight with her. This is normal for us.

"Ruby-chan, this is nothing. We only pay with our words, zura." Zuramaru calmed the redhead herself. She continued, pointing at me and with a blank stare on her eyes. "You should start getting used to this person Ruby-chan, zura."

"I'll try Hanamaru-chan." She replied weakly, but looking down, she was gripping the handle of her bag tightly.

"Looking forward to it, Ruby." I said to myself, really meaning the words.

Watching her try her very bast at trying to strike a conversation with me is really adorable. It's endearing to see her try. She's like a bunny, a rabbit. If Ruby is a rabbit, then that would make Zuramaru a... a squirrel? She does munch on something everytime I get to glance at her. Or maybe a hegdehog? She's like a harmless girl with lots of pricks in her words. Okay! Let's stop at that. I shouldn't think of my friends as animals. But I can't just help compare Ruby to a bunny...

Just as she had promised, she tried. She tried her best getting used to me. But that was mostly because Zuramaru would leave as soon as I enter her space with Ruby. She leaves with 'I hope you both get along well, zura!' She looked like she was enjoying herself.

But I have to admit that I am also enjoying myself, I guess. I mean, how can I not when I'm right in front of a literal angel! That smile, the way she expresses herself with her body, and the subtle changes in her tone when she's all excited talking about a certain topic. If I were to guess what's going on in her mind, I'd say she's having fun talking to me. Sometimes, she'd even play along with my antics.

Then a certain day came...

"Here you go, Yoshiko-chan, zura." The brunette mindlessly pushed a box into my chest as of she were angry with something.

"Have I been blessed with misfortune Zuramaru?" I looked to her direction, a hint of worry in my voice. "And it's Yohane!"

"Nothing." She briefly answered, not looking back at me but instead had her eyes focus on the clouds outside.

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