Happy Birthday (You x Everyone)

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(Published April 17, 2020)

No One's POV

It's You's birthday, everyone in Aqours are all fired up, except for the birthday girl who is pretty much oblivious to each of their plans for her.

~You and Chika~

Chika brings out a lunch box out of her bag and dragged You out of the classroom to the rooftop. You thought that Chika was acting strange but didn't ask anyway because Chika seemed to be having fun seeing the smile she had on her face when You was dragged out by her.

"You-chan, for your birthday this year, I thought that I would cook you up some food. Your food is amazing and I wanted to try and cook. I'm not confident in my product today. Anyways, happy birthday You-chan!" She handed out the carefully packaged lunchbox to her ashen friend with a smile, but her nervousness never faded away.

"Thank you Chika-chan! I never thought that you would cook for me. I guess this could be the happiest day of my life!" Hearing You say that, a beaming smile came out from Chika's face.

"So how does it tatse?" Chika asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

"It's very delicious! I'd like to have more of these." You continued to gobble down her free lunch.

"I'm happy to hear that from you, You-chan! I'd gladly make more for you tomorrow." Chika replied back with a much bigger smile and did a fist bump.

"Seconds!" You teasingly said while handing to Chika the lunchbox.

"You-chan, I'd like to give you more but that's all-" Chika received the lunchbox and You pulled the girl to herself, giving her a peck on the cheek. "You-chan?!" Shocked, Chika backed away, her hand on kissed cheek.

"That's my thanks! Thanks for the meal Ckia-chan." You laughed at the others' reaction and shortly explained. "Should I give you another one on the other side?" You teasingly asked.

Unexpectedly, Chika came closer to her and showed her her other cheek. This made You gulped and blush to her ears in embarrassment.

"I'd love it if you would do that You-chan..." Chika mumbled, keeping her eyes closed. She was as well embarrased, she was a blushing mess but, she knew that she wanted it.

Unsure of what to do, You decided she would do it and so she did. This time, Chika made the surprising move. Before You could completely back away, Chika put her arms around You's neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

"You're such a tease You-chan. But that's part of why I like you." Chika backed away, arms still around You's neck. You has turned into a blushing mess thanks to Chika.

"What?" was the only word that came out of You's mouth after that surprising event.

"I love you, is what I'm saying You-chan." Chika said with a smile as she went in for another kiss. You was not resisting in any way and even reciprocated.

~You and Riko~

You silently sits on the audience's seat to listen to their composer play in the piano. Their pianist and composer have brought her into the music room. The place where everything followed suite.

"I have been working on this piece for a while now and I want to hear your opinion about it You-chan." Riko readied her fingers atop the piano keys and mumbled to herself. "...I actually want you to be the first to hear it as my intangible present for you..."

"I'm eager to hear it first hand." On that note, Riko started to press on the keys and played the melody. Putting both You's mind and body at peace all at once.

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