Little Things (NicoMaki)

212 2 0

(Published April 20, 2020)

No One's POV

"Hey Maki-chan."

"Hm?" A hum was heard from the kitchen.

"Remember that time I threw you an airplane?" The raven haired put down her coffee cup.

"Airplane?" She thought for a short time while stirring her coffee. "Ah yes, I remember. Why?"

"You had a cute smile on." The raven haired smiles.

"Shut up." Maki grumbled and sat across the raven haired, put down her cup too. "That was years ago."

"Years ago. That reminds me, how long have we been together Maki-chan?" Nico smiled to the woman across her.

"I thought you would be the one to note that." Maki looked to the side to not meet her eyes.

"Of course I know, that's why I'm asking you." Nico had a teasing grin behind the hand that's covering the bottom half of her face.

"Eight years. We've been together for eight years. Happy?" After a good minute of silence, Maki replied back. Maki glanced to the raven haired for a moment and back to the direction of the kitchen.

"Yes, but close enough. It's going to go nine years now." Nico looked to the ring on her left hand and smiled. "Nothing could make me happier. We're going on strong, but there's still the occasional fights and that's fine."

"I'm glad. I feel the same way." Maki drinks her last drop of the coffee, took Nico's already finished drink and brought it to the sink for her to wash it.

While Maki was washing the small amount of dishes, Nico went to their room and rummaged to a number of things to find something.

"Nico-chan?" Bothered by the others' silence, she called out in worry.

"I'm fine! I'm just looking for something! Now, where did that thing go?" Nico replied back in a bigger voice for the redhead to hear and quietly mumbled to herself after.

"What is she looking for?" Maki asked herself in curiosity.

"Aha!" Nico finally found what she was looking for and exclaimed in joy but, she quickly covers her mouth. "I should message them to come over now."

"Nico-chan?" Maki called again, passing by the calendar, she smiled. She looked to the raven haired in their room as it was where the voice was from and saw the room in a mess and the raven haired on her phone. "Nico-chan, what happened?!"

"And sent... Ahh! Maki-chan, you startled me!" Nico put a hand on her chest in shock and internally took a sigh of relief. 'Good thing I quickly put it away and she still haven't seen it.'

"How'd you make it so that the room is in a mess?" Maki stepped into the room and continued to look around.

"Don't worry about that. It will be back in order in no time. You know me." Nico proudly said with a satisfied smile on her face. "You can go wait in the living room, Maki-chan. I'll clean this right up!"

"It's Nico-chan after all. You know yourself best. I'm just second to that." Maki went to Nico for a quick kiss before going out to the living room.

"Geez, Maki-chan! A surprise attack out of nowhere!" Maki only giggled at the raven haired by the door as she had already turned her back.

"Now that Maki's out, let's put these things away quickly to celebrate." Nico prepared herself for an efficient and fast cleanup.

After just a few minutes, Nico had made the room back in order, just like what she said to the redhead. She now had her hands on her hips in satisfaction. Her right hand trailed to one of her pockets and took out her phone and the other took out a pendant.

"I haven't exactly looked a the pendant I had Eli make but, I'm sure it's wonderful." Nico scanned the pendant and put it back into her pockets before Maki could see it. Switching to her phone, she looked at the reply messages and smiled. "They'll be here anytime soon. With that time, I'll just give her this and whip up something for the celebration."

As soon as Nico stepped out of the room, Maki jumped on Nico that they were on the floor now with Nico underneath the redhead. Maki gave Nico a barrage of kisses out of nowhere. Another surprise attack.

"M-Maki-chan... I'm happy but, I still have to cook lunch..." Nico managed to speak out in between the kisses.

"Can't you spare me a little of that time. I could go for a round right now." Maki had her eyes plead for her. "It's my birthday today, can't I do as I please?"

Nico felt a bit guilty for keeping quiet the whole morning about it.

"You always do as you please unless it came to your work as a doctor. Can I just distract you with this for a while?" Nico smiled, took out the pendant from her pocket and took the chance to put it around the redhead's neck.

"Hm?" Maki hummed in question and looked to where Nico's hands were going. "A necklace?"

"A pendant. Now, could you get off me?" Nico pulled the redhead in for another kiss and went for her ears next to whisper something. "Happy birthday."

Maki quietly got off Nico and helped her up. She couldn't stop the blush from spreading on her face. Nico successfully distracted the redhead and headed to the kitchen.

The redhead held out the pendant so she could see what was inside after sitting back on the couch. The inside was a photo of the two of them from their first date, assuming from the clothes they were wearing. Maki smiled and mumbled a 'Thank you.' to herself as she looked over to the enthusiastic cook in the kitchen.

The silence took on a good couple of minutes with nothing but the sound of the knife meeting the cutting board and the sizzling sound of the water boiling.

*ding dong* The sound of the bell rung and both Nico and Maki were alerted.

"Maki-chan, can you get that for me?" Without further resistance, Maki stood up almost instantly after the raven haired asked and headed to the front door.

Once she was at the door, she opened the door paying no mind on who it could be until she widely opened the door.

"Maki-chan!" Their used to be leader exclaimed and pounced on the redhead.

"Guys?" Maki said in disbelief and surprise and she realized the reason Nico was on her phone earlier seeing the rest of the group at her front door.

"Honoka, get away from Maki. You're invading her personal space." Umi speaks up and tries to pull Honoka away.

"We were messaged by Nico as you have just seemingly realized." Nozomi comments noticing the change in expression of the redhead.

"Explain later. Come in for now, I can't hold you guys up in the front door. Nico is still cooking if you're wondering." Maki let the group of people get inside the house one by one. Each of them greeted her happy birthday before they went into the living room. Rin giving her a hug and Hanayo smiling beside her, Maki just shrugged and smiled.

"Hey guys!" Nico called out to them, happiness spread across her face. "I'll be done in a few minutes so wait for a while."

"Should I help?" Kotori went straight to the kitchen and confronted the raven haired.

"No, you're a guest. It's almost done anyway." Nico looked back to see who it was and returned her concentration on the pot before replying.

"It's been so long since we last gathered around in one place like this." Eli started as she took a seat beside the fortune teller.

The rest agrees and the conversation continues, Nico occasionally joining in, until Nico finished cooking and asked them to gather around the big table. Eli putting the cake she brought on the center of the table.

All of them said in unison before feasting on the feast right before their eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Maki-chan!"

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