Dolphins (NozoEli)

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(Published June 9, 2021)

No One's POV

"Hey Elicchi, thank you for joining me in this journey." Nozomi looks at the vast ocean in their private boat.

"Of course. I can't just leave you alone-" The camera that Nozomi was holding almost went out of grasp and that just made Eli's heart stop for a moment there. Their rings glistening at the exposure of sunlight. "Got you!"

Eli grins, holding tightly on the camera along with Nozomi's hands. Nozomi couldn't help but smile along with that.

"So, why the ocean all of a sudden?" Eli just had to ask. It's not like she hates it. Just curious.

"Hmmm..." Nozomi hums, holding onto the railings of the boat. "Just because. It's soothing to feel the sea breeze and away from the buzz and hustle of the busy city. I guess I wanted to be away from the fast pace that's pushing you in the city."

"That's the same for me. But most importantly, I wanted to be with you on this special day." Eli chuckles, getting one hand of the shorter girl intertwined with hers.

They went silent for awhile there and just listened to the seabirds make their sounds. It was soothing to just hear nature to the fullest without the noise of the city.

"Elicchi." Nozomi grumbles under her breath.

"What?" Eli raises a brow in question, still not letting her eyes away from Nozomi. To the way she tied her hair today or even how minimal Nozomi put on make up. She is beautiful, Eli can't resist just staring at her.

"Enjoy the scenery." Eli can see the pout on Nozomi's face, it made her chuckle.

"I am."

"And I'm not the scenery nor am I something for you to stare at for hours." Nozomi finally faces Eli and Eli wished she could have taken a photo of that scene right there. The way the wind blows is definitely adding effects to Nozomi's beauty in Eli's eyes.

"What are you being stunned for?" Nozomi laughs at the frozen Eli and the blonde is suddenly out of breath and embarrassed.

"You're just too beautiful." Eli pulls Nozomi in for an embrace. The purple haired stumbles into her arms that she was scared for a moment there.

The waves weren't even that strong for a calm day.

"Sorry about that. I just needed to have you in my arms." Eli leans behind her on the wall.

"You scared me!" Nozomi lightly punches Eli's chest for payback and the blonde only laughs. "What do you even mean about that? I've been yours ever since high school."

"Hearing that just makes me even more happy." Eli is grinning from ear to ear and snuggles into Nozomi's neck.

"Stop that, it tickles." Nozomi tries to break herself free from Eli's hold.

"Sorry about that." Eli holds Nozomi by the shoulder and turns her around. She then wraps her arms on Nozomi's waist. "This fine?"

"What do I do with you? You might grow some dog ears if you keep letting me see that puppy eyes." Nozomi giggles but she puts a hand over Eli's head and looks back at the sea.

Dolphins started appearing not far from the boat and that lit up both Nozomi's and Eli's eyes.

"Dolphins really do come up to the surface. It's really pretty to see them jump above water on their own like that." Nozomi mumbles to herself and Eli makes a cheeky grin.

"I thought you already knew that." Says Eli and she laughs at the adorable pout that follows.

"Of course I knew. It just feels different seeing it with my own eyes than through a screen."

"Right, right." Eli tones fown her laugh and the look in her eyes softens. "Ah, right. I haven't told you yet."

"What is that supposed to be?" Nozomi turns to look at her blonde when her cheeks are suddenly held in Eli's hands.

"Happy birthday, Nozomi." Eli smiles at her before leaning in for a kiss and Nozomi reciprocates with a smile of her own.


That was Shun-chan!

It's a short NozoEli cuz it's Nozomi's birthday.

Actually it's because this is kind of rushed plus it's short...

Anyways I hope you still liked reading this short fluff.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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