Fell Into my Trap (SetsuAyu)

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(Published August 8, 2020)

No One's POV

"Kasumi-chan!" Ayumu yelled as she was after the sly ashen who had taken something important from her.

"No way!" Kasumi stuck her tongue out as she continued to run ahead.

"What's happening right now?" The student council president entered while she was tying her hair up the usual lock of hair on the side. She looked at the scene all confused so she asked the senpais who were watching the scene.

"Kasumi took something of Ayumu's and now Ayumu is chasing after Kasumi." Karin leisurely replied with her back on the wall and a grin on her face as she watched the game of catch play.

The president stopped on her tracks when she saw that they were going to her direction. In the point of collision, she took hold of Kasumi's arm that was waving some sort of keychain.

"Owowow... Setsuna-senpai!" Kasumi winced in pain at the strong grip of the called on her arm.

"Thanks Setsuna-chan." Ayumu rested her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

"Kasumi, you shouldn't take things like that. Now let me see..." Setsuna added some more strength before letting go of the ashens' arm, who touched the pained area with the other. "Is this a microphone?"

"Let me get that!" At the mention of the shape of the keychain, a mysterious surge of energy came over her and dashed to take the object from Setsuna's hand.

"I-is there a problem Ayumu-san?" Surprised at the sudden outburst, a question came out of her mouth.

"N-no! Nothing specifically..." Ayumu turned around, holding her hand close to her chest. When her eyes met that of Yuu's she ran to her childhood friend.

Confused at the way Ayumu is acting compared to her usual, Setsuna looked to the side again to get some reactions out of the other members. They only gave her a shrug and some a knowing smile which made raise an eyebrow. In the end, she shrugged and brushed it away.

The day ended the same as usual, the usual dance practice, voice training, and stretching. It all ended the same way, Setsuna stayed behind to do some more practice of her own. Ayumu left early. The rest the same as usual.

Before Setsuna could start individual training, their manager tapped her shoulder and showed her quite the face.

"Is there something wrong with my training, Yuu?" It was unusual of Yuu to call her like that and that face she was making made her shiver.

"You're too hard on yourself, you should take a nice break every once in a while." There it is again, that face, that expression. It isn't that Setsuna would like people to worry about her. She has a face to maintain. So, she works her hardest so that even a second of weakness would leave her vulnerable. But it is only with the people of the school idol club that actually shows her this face, an expression of worry.

"Should I really, Yuu?" Setsuna had her shoulders slouched, equivalent to drooped down ears. "I don't think it's ever enough."

"Yes, really. You should take care of yourself first. I know you have things to keep up. But you won't even get to start things unless you get a proper nights' sleep. You should go home now." Yuu once again put a hand on Setsuna's shoulder, this time with a reassuring smile on her face. "Don't worry about things here, I'll take care of it. If you do it yourself, then what would my role be? Let me do some work of myself too, Setsuna-san."

"Okay, it'll never hurt to take a break every once in a while right, Yuu?" Picking herself up, Setsuna perked her head up and looked up at their reliable manager.

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