Can't Resist (KotoUmi)

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(Published March 27, 2020)

Umi's POV

"Umi-chan! Happy Birthday!" Everyone in μ's greeted before me as I entered the clubroom.

Everything was prepared well. It was the best birthday I've ever experienced in my life. With this much people too. I can't really stop thanking Honoka for this.

But, Kotori's been acting fidgety all day. Could there had been a problem?

After the party, all of them went home. I only reached out to Kotori, giving her a tap on the shoulder.

"What's the problem, Kotori?" I asked, responding by moving her head to my direction. "You've been fidgety all day. I can tell something is up."

"I couldn't make something for you!" Tears appeared on her glittering amber eyes, I was left shocked at her expression and tone. As if being possessed by something, I pulled her to my arms and embraced her on impulse. "U-umi-chan?"

"That's fine, I already got a way better present than the ones I received earlier. And what's more I could let it stay by my side until the day I die. So it's fine." I comforted her no matter how much it was making me embarrassed on the inside.

"Umi-chan! You mean-" I cupped her cheeks and made her look straight to me, then I smiled.

"Of course, you're the best present I could ever ask for." I said confidently said while my mind was in chaos.

Oh no, oh no, I'm getting so carried away. I want to hide in a hole! What should I do?! But this is for Kotori's sake, I should at least handle this much. But this is too much!

"Umi-chan." She called my name and I instantly switched back my attention to the girl in front of me. Then, she moved her face closer and she closed her eyes. "This would be acceptable right?"

She mumbled before finally went in for the kiss. And I almost fainted.

"Just as I thought, hehehe. You still can't handle that much, right Umi-chan?" She stopped me from falling and she's finally smiling. Though, she's teasing me. But oh well, she's smiling now.

"Y-you're right. We're still young, I'll be more mature in the future about these stuff." I slowly regained control over myself and stood on my own.

"I hope that will come sooner, hehe <3. I want to do a lot more things with you, Umi-chan." She remarked before going off ahead on her own, but that just brought back my blushing face from earlier.

"W-wait for me, Kotori." I caught up with her and went and held her hand.

"But your fine with this?" She raised our intertwined hands so I could see it.

"I should be fine with this, also I kind of like it..." I mumbled to myself, facing to the other side.

"Umi-chan, Umi-chan. Can I take you home?" She asked with that irresistible puppy dog eyes which made me melt on the inside.

"Yes yes." I only nodded in defeat. I mean how could I resist that much cuteness. All the more if it's Kotori.

And now we're in her room. I'm currently dreading my decisions from earlier.

"Umi-chan! Let's have cake and tea." She blast open the door and entered the room bringing what she had just said on a tray.

"Sure." I put on a wavering smile as I was nervous as to what she would do to me after.

She put down the tray and flashed me a smile as she looked at me. I smiled back, this time more genuine since I have slightly calmed down.

"That was delicious, thanks for the meal." I put my hands together and then rests my hands on my lap.

"Now that that's done. Umi-chan." I responded to the call and faced to her direction and was met by a direct kiss on the lips. She even put in her tongue.

T-t-t-tongue?! Where does she learn these things?!

But it does feel nice and wonderful.

This time I reciprocated and she mildly jumped at my actions. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

And that went on for the whole night. I ended up staying over her house. She already somehow contacted my parents that I would stay over. She definitely planned this to happen alright.

The next morning, on the way to school...

"You were so cute last night, Umi-chan. I had a really nice view of your slender body. Your voice were also music to my ears. I really enjoyed it." Kotori said, holding my hands with both of hers.

"D-don't mention something that embarrassing in public." I only managed to look away but, I couldn't hide my blushing face plus she's holding my hand. "You're much more cuter, Kotori."

"Hehe, I'm so happy!" She had her beaming smiling face facing towards the sky.

"Oooh, Kotori-chan, Umi-chan! Good morning!" Honoka came running to our direction when she had her eyes planted on us. "Did you plan to meet up early in the morning?"

"Something like that." Kotori answered, the three of us walking together on the way to school.

"Hey, Kotori-chan. Is it just me or did something good happen for you? You are definitely beaming and much more brighter than yesterday." Honoka commented, I only looked away in embarrassment.

"Yep, something definitely good happened to me last night." She gave Honoka another beaming smile and tightened her grip on my hand.

"Last night?" Honoka tilted her head in confusion.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Honoka-chan, I've been meaning to ask you something." She went closer to our orange haired friends. "How are things going between you and Tsubasa-san?"

"W-we're doing good, no need to worry about us. She just texted me earlier, greeting me a good morning." She backed away for a moment and a blush appeared on her face.

I guess thing are going well for us and our friends' relationships, I guess. That is a good thing. Everyone is happy with their partners.

"Hey, Kotori-chan!" This time Nozomi greeted and took Kotori away. She's whispering something to Kotori and Kotori whispered back. And now, they're both laughing. Wonder what's that about. They came back. "Sorry for taking your Kotori-chan away for a moment Umi-chan."

"Wha-" was what I only managed to say as my face became beet red again and Nozomi had already left for the student council, I guess. "What were you whispering about with Nozomi, Kotori?"

"It's a secret <3." She only gave me that as answer. Though I have an idea what they would have talked about.

Well, it's been a good day so far. Just minus the embarrassing things that have continuously happened since last night. Since Kotori's happy, I guess everything is fine.


That was Shun-chan!

I know it's late but it's still March. I wanted to post this before this month ends. Also,

Belated Happy Birthday, Sonoda Umi!

Hope you guys keep safe and protected as well.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

Love Live OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora