Rain (u's and Aqours)

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(Published August 17, 2019)

No One's POV

The rain was really pouring down outside a large mansion house, fitting eighteen girls in the living room.

Lighting and thunder was heard as a loud boom. It was such a loud rain, it was a typhoon.

As lightning hit the ground and thunder was heard a few seconds later. Shrieks and screams were heard from those same girls in the mansion.

Let's take a look at the girls, shall we?

"I-it's just rain right?" The raven haired asked as if calm, but was trembling and holding the arm of the tomato redhead.

"It's just rain, Nico-chan. This house has a generator." The tomato redhead said comforting Nico as she played with Nico's hair.

"Stop being a scaredy cat, Nicocchi." The purple head said as she slapped Nico's back, which made her fall to Maki's arms.

"I'm the cat, nya!" The orange short haired girl exclaimed as she jumped on the brunette beside her.

"We got that, Rin-chan. So please calm down." The brunette said as she tried to calm Rin down.

"Are you guys always like this?" The black haired, hime-cut girl asked to the girl beside her.

"Always." The blue haired answered, proving a point as she sighed. "How about you guys in Aqours?" She asked in response.

"Well..." She started as she looked over to their side, seeing all of them so excited and all over each other. "Yes it's always like this. It's hard for me to watch and keep them in check." She continued as she looked down in sadness.

"It's alright, Dia-san. I also keep the members in check, even I hold myself back. The scenes we are seeing right now are really shameless." Umi said as she covered herself in embarrassment.

"Umi-chan, are you okay?" The ash haired girl asked as she moved closer to the said girl.

"Yeah, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me." Umi said convincingly as she gave off a smile.

"How do you guys have so much energy? It's even raining hard outside." The Russian blonde asked as she relaxed herself on a couch on the side as Nozomi came back and sat beside her.

"Of course they have so much energy, they're them." Nozomi answered as she also let herself feel comfortable beside her beloved Eli.

"Umm, Honoka-san..." The light orange haired girl started with the short ash haired girl beside her. "How do you make you performances look so amazing?" She asked in excitement.

"E-eh!?" Honoka exclaimed as she did not expect such a question from Aqours leader.

"Yeah, how do you do that?" You asked again excitedly as if their eyes gleamed in happiness.

"Well, how do I say this?" Honoka asked herself as she scratched her cheek and the other two girls waited as if containing their curiousness.
"Umm, we just practice the steps over and over again, same with the songs." She finally answered as she gained some unbelieving girls in front of her.

"Really!? That's all you do? We also do that everytime!" Both of them exclaimed, not expecting such an answer with Honoka moving backward from all the excitement.

"Of course that's the case. Remember, practice makes perfect, right?" Their pianist said as she came forward toward them.

"We know that, of course." Chika and You said as they looked saddened.

"That's fine, everyone expected us to have something different but we also just do what all the others do. But, there is also another thing that makes our lives special." Honoka said as she patted both Chika and You's head.

"What is that then?" Chika asked as she grew more confused with Riko and You listening attentively.

"It's our bonds and connection with each other." Honoka answered as she smiled, which made Chika, You and Riko also smile with her.

"Oi, Riri come back here." The girl with the bun on the side commanded with matching hand sign.

"Sure, also didn't I tell you not to call me Riri!" Riko answered as she politely took her leave away from Chika, You and Honoka.

"How can you be so demanding of her, Yoshiko-chan, zura?" The light brown haired said as she smacked the said girls' head with the twintailed rehead sticking to her back.

"Of course I can do that, she's mine!" She answered as if proud.

"How daring..." The twintailed redhead mumbled which made the girl with light brown haired to stiffle a laugh.

"Yoshiko-chan, Ruby-chan just said you were daring, zura pfft" Hanamaru reported then laughed which made Yoshiko blush red as Riko made her way closer to the first years.

"I told you, it's YOHANE!" Yoshiko exclaimed as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"What's the problem here?" Riko asked as she joined the conversation.

"Let's leave them to their own fun." The ponytailed blue haired said as she laughed at the scenes she is seeing, all the while holding the hand of the blondie beside her.

"Yeah, let's." The blondie replied as she rested her head on the shoulder of the blue haired, closing her eyes.

They all seemed so excited even if it was very noisy outside because of the rain, lightning and thunders.

It was as if the rain didn't mind them, they just had their fun altogether.

So let's just say that, unusual conversations and events happened that certain day.

Let's just leave the rest of the happenings of their encounter to your imagination. Because it's probably just the way you imagine it.


That was Shun-chan!

I'm here with another update.

So how was this update?

Well, I'm just going to make it short.

On the next one, I'm finally going to write one from the girls in Nijigasaki.

Try to guess who will be the ship!

I think it will be obvious though...

As always,

Thanks for reading!

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