Switch? (RubyLeah)

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(Published June 29, 2019)

Leah's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place and went directly to the mirror to see myself just out of bed.

What I saw shocked me.


I was in Ruby's body!?

Like... What!?

I called my number on Ruby's phone to ask if the same thing happened to her. It would be obvious that she would be in my body if I was in hers, right?

"Ruby!" It seems Dia is calling for me.

"Wait a minute, nee-chan!" I tried to do my best imitation of Ruby even though I am already in her body, but my way of speaking is a little different.

*ring* *ring*

"Hello?" The call finally got through.

"This is Ruby right?" I asked.

"Eek!" I just heard her squeak. It sounds so weird for me to hear myself squeak.

"I'm right, right?" I responded to her squeaks.

"R-right, is this Leah-chan?" She answered while stuttering.

"Yeah, that's right." I answered with such confidence.

"S-so, you're in my body because I'm in yours?" She asked quite the obvious.

"Of course, why did you think it would be another person?" I asked doubting that she did.

"No!" She answered quickly and loudly which shocked me.

"O-okay, calm down." I said trying to calm her.

"Why would you ask that, you're the only one in my mind right now..." She said lowly, just enough for me to hear.

"A-anyways, let's meet up at your school." I said changing the topic as I was beet red. 'How can she say something so embarrassing.'

"Yeah sure, but I don't know how to get there from here." She said unsure of what to do. 'God, how can you make such an adorable creature!' I thought under my breath.

"Just ask Nee-sama to bring you there and tell her you needed to bring her with you." I told her just as what I would do to see her and get nee-sama to come with me.

"Okay, I'm fine now, Leah-chan." She answered.

"Bye, see you later, Ruby."

"Bye." She replied then ended the call. Too bad I wanted to see her expressions of shock as she saw herself in my body.

Anyways, I have to get ready. I can just wear the things I usually wear right?

I opened her wardrobe and thought 'Great, I have to wear such clothes. This will be embarrassing.'

As I thought about this. There's no way she's gonna let me wear a skirt, right?

"I'm heading to school, nee-chan!" I announced as I opened the door.

"Wait, I'll be right there." Dia said as she rushed to the door.

As I arrived at Uranohoshi's school, all these thoughts were answered.

'She really let me wore a skirt.' I thought as I facepalmed in my mind.

Why are Hanamaru and Yoshiko here, anyway?

"Why are they here?" I went near to Ruby and whispered to her ear.

"I didn't know Ruby-chan was this bold, right Yoshiko-chan, zura?" I can hear Hanamaru say to the person she's talking to.

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