Struggle (RikoHane)

95 1 2

(Published September 19, 2021)

No One's POV


The called girl freezes on the spot with her quivering lips. She slowly turns her head to the side to catch a glimpse of the not very pleased face of her girlfriend. Cold sweat runs down on her temple as she put back the yellow demon plushie in her hands to its place on the store.

"...Sorry Riri." Yoshiko steps away from the store and puts herself back by Riko's side.

"Aren't we going somewhere else?" Riko pouts while her free hand reaches for the other's hand, grasping it.

"Of course." Yoshiko regains herself and lightly squeezes on the hand that is holding her own. She guides Riko away from the store while her eyes linger on that yellow demon she was holding a while ago. She pledges to come back here and buy it herself.

A few hours ago, in their shared apartment...

'Today's the day, Yohane! Let's get ourselves together! I can do this!' Yoshiko stands before their bathroom mirror. She looks at herself in the mirror, then the embarrassment kicks in at the thought of going through with the plan she made just before they went to sleep last night. 'There's no way I can do that... But! I don't have plan B. So I don't really have much of a choice...'

She clutches the sink while she squirms about in that position.

It's a good thing that the person in question still hasn't woken up from her sleep.

She sighed again.

"Think of something else. Think of something else. Think of something else." She mutters to herself in repeat like if she stops, she would not be able to think of an alternative. She stays standing still there with a blank stare. She kept on getting blanks, she can't think of anything else than doing what she had already thought of.

"That's right! I should just do it normally!" When the thought came out, it was like an aha moment for Yoshiko.

"What would you do normally?" Another voice that is not hers enters the bathroom.

Yoshiko looks behind her and sees the redhead who sleepily rubs her eyes and creaks the door open. The sight of the girl in slightly larger pajamas and her unkept hair only made her seem gorgeous, that the newly come up idea flew out the window. Plus the surprise that the girl knew where she was.

"Nothing!" She squeaks out. The other girl raises her eyebrow in doubt that what Yoshiko said is not really the case. "You're still tired Riko, go back to bed please."

Riko yawns as Yoshiko puts her hands on Riko's shoulders. "No, I'm wide awake now. So?"

"You just yawned."

"That was nothing." Riko smiles at the younger girl.

They both stay silent for a moment. Then Riko cocks her head to the side like she's asking for Yoshiko to continue, while Yoshiko gulps at the gesture.

"So, like, um" Yoshiko struggles to form coherent words and gives up her embarrassment to her Yohane persona. Riko only smiles wider at Yoshiko fidgeting.

"It's the day of you came to this world, little demon Riri. I send you my greetings. As my little demon, would you sacrifice today to the Fallen Angel Yohane!?" Yoshiko strikes her iconic pose, barely keeping herself together as the last word left her lips. Riko strains to contain and stop herself from laughing at what Yoshiko just did.

"I already decided to live with you for the rest of my life. What would just one day do? You're being silly, Fallen Angel Yohane." Riko lets out a soft giggle while Yoshiko drowns in embarrassment with what she herself said and what Riko just admitted. Like a proposal.

They're not ready for that yet. Yet. Not yet.

"...I guess that's true. I mean, me too. I, too, already decide to live with you for the rest of my life." Yoshiko bashfully scratches her cheeks and looks away.

"I'll take that as an invitation for a date." Riko smiles brightly, really saying that she is wide awake.

"" Yoshiko only nods.

"Thank you, Yocchan." Riko leaves the bathroom with Yoshiko finally reeling over from the embarrassment.

Riko pulls Yoshiko for a good morning kiss and the younger girl leans into it, turning it into a deep kiss. This time, Riko is the one who gets embarrassed and cuts the session short.

"We still have to get ready for that date." Riko hastily gets the words out.

"I don't mind if we have that date at home, you know."

"You're the one who asked. We should get out." Riko retorts and gets slightly surprised at the smug face Yoshiko is giving off.

"Do we really have to? Let's play games, Riri." Yoshiko drops herself on their bed and whines.

"Stop that. You're acting like a kid. Come on." Riko pulls Yoshiko out of the bed. Then the idea comes to her as to why Yoshiko is being like this. "You don't have anything planned, don't you?"


"Let's just go anywhere at this point." The redhead cleanly puts the conversation to a stop. Still the raven haired is being dragged out of bed to get dressed nicely.


"Where are we going, Riko?" Yoshiko gets curious as to where the called girl is taking her. The scenery is not changing much unlike the crowd that comes and goes in this mall.

"I called Chika-chan and You-chan out. You don't mind right?" Riko looks around to find the familiar silhouettes of her friends, the most noticing point would be that cowlick springing out of a crowd.

"Ehhh? Is it still called a date if you called them over?" Yoshiko sticks herself to the birthday girl's side with a grumble.

"It is. A double date." Riko calmly looks to the left while stroking Yoshiko's head like it happens usually.

"Double-" Yoshiko jerks away from her side, frantically looking for the aforementioned friends. "Where are they?!"

"Keep your voice down, Yocchan. You're getting unnecessary attention towards us." Riko pulls on the denim jacket the younger girl is wearing.

"There they are!"

Two people comes running to where they were. The ashen pulling an exhausted mikan haired.

"It worked just fine, Riko. Look." The smug on her face comes back full force.

"It actually did." The redhead frees Yoshiko from her hold and Yoshiko immediately stands beside Riko.

"Did you wait long, Riko-chan?" The ashen asks while the mikan haired catches her breath.

"It's fine, Yoshiko-chan was grumbling earlier though." Riko plays it off with a hand on her cheek. Yoshiko gets startled at the sudden comment, it was like Riko is teasing her.

"We are taking your time after all, that much would be expected." Chika finally gets wind of her breathing and lets out a scoff while looking at the younger girl.

"What if I am?" Yoshiko crosses her arms and pouts. "I should contact those two too, I can't be the only one getting teased here."

"I doubt you're doing something to remedy that, Yoshiko-chan." You takes Yoshiko's phone before she digs herself a whole which she can't come out of unless the day ends.

"I'm sure you'd just be bringing more people who can tease you, Yoshiko-chan." Chika adds.

"That's true." Riko giggles.

"Let's just go eat something together." Yoshiko takes her phone back and pushes it back in her pocket. She turns her back to the older girls.

"We almost forgot something." You faces to Chika and nods to each other.

"Happy birthday, Riko-chan!"


That was Shun-chan!

Here it is! An awaited YohaRiko fic!

It's been a while since I wrote these two. I really like this pair two, at least second to ChikaYou, which brought me to at least let them show up at the end.

Happy birthday Riko!

That invitation of Fallen Angel Yohane took me quite a bit of time though.

I post sneak peeks to coming oneshots in twt @/SChan0824. Come visit.

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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