A Day to Myself (DiaSarah)

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(Published May 5, 2021)

Sarah's POV

When I woke to the gentle shake of my little sister, I fluttered my eyes open to see her all dressed up already.

"Are you going somewhere Leah?" I asked as I rubbed the remaining sleep in my eyes.

"Yeah, I had plans. Sorry I can't celebrate with you nee-sama." She keeps a stray hair strand behind her ear and an apologetic expression on her face. I put on a smile to let her worries fly away.

"It's fine, it's fine. You can go have fun. Besides, I wanted to try spending the day alone." I sat up and patted on the blanket that covered my legs. "It's with the Aqours first years, right? I definitely won't mind."

Leah became embarrassed at the on point assumption, I laughed.

"Then, nee-sama, happy birthday. I'm glad to be your sister. Have a great day welcome you to this wonderful day." Leah embraced me in a hug. I admit, I was surprised that she initiated a hug plus those words that came out of her mouth are nothing but sweet.

"Thank you. I feel the same, Leah." I reached up to put my hand on her head with a big smile on my face.

With that, she left the house and I'm left to my own devices. But first of all, I have to wake up properly first. I stretched both my hands up and got off the bed.

Finishing my morning routine, I had to think of what to do and was instead spacing out in the kitchen. I was about to cook myself a simple breakfast. Honestly, I'd rather have lasagna but I don't have the ingredients and I would be starving during the process.

My phone rang and that brought me out of my own thoughts.

Thinking that it was just a simple text message, I hurried to finish cooking breakfast and sat on the dining table. I only reached for my phone when I finished my meal, it's bad manners to use a phone during a meal.

I giggled when I saw the photo that Leah just sent. Leah was squeezed in between the other three. Despite the frown on her face, she's really having fun.

Finished washing the dishes, I prepared myself to go out and have fun. Holding my bag close, I take a step out into the streets.

"It really is bright out." I squinted my eyes at the sudden brightness of lighting from the kinda dark inside of the house. "What should I do?"

Without thinking more about it, I let my feet guide me through the streets while my eyes marvel at the sights I have passed by.

Stopping by at an arcade to pass by the time. Speaking of arcades, it's been a while since I last visited one. Feeling the cold of the air conditioner brush my skin, I felt myself relax.

I just didn't expect one thing. I bumped into Dia-san. I never thought I'd get a day to see Dia-san, who seems out of place, in an arcade, clearly flustered at the buttons of a fighting game. When I called out to her, you could just imagine the shriek she made.

"Dia-san, surprised to see you here. You alone?" I never forget to put on a smile to help her relax.

"Ah, it was just you Sarah-san." She takes a sigh of relief. She looks at me, leaving the game over screen as she stood up. "Yes I am. Is that a problem?"

"No. That's more like it, I guess." I scratched the base of my cheek while I let out an awkward laugh. "I wanted someone to spend the day with. And if you don't mind, let's spend it together."

She was quiet for a moment, surely thinking about what to say. But seeing her fidget with her white dress is so cute.

"You almost sound like your sad, Sarah-san."

"That's right."

"You're admitting it like that?"

"It's my birthday, I can do whatever I want." Shrugging my shoulders, I take her hand in mine and brought her into the inner part of the arcade.

"...I didn't know that was the occasion. It's a bit late, but happy birthday to you." That's a good girl with manners for you.

"To celebrate- the dancing machine. This much is not new to you, since we both have idol activities." She laughed, I got puzzled. She then showed me her palm.

"This is not the first time seeing the dancing machine."

"But you were struggling with that fighting game?"

"I don't do well with those kind of games!" She retorted and now we're both laughing.

"Let's do this together, Dia-san." I held out a hand to her and she accepted it with a beautiful smile on her face. I definitely felt my heart skip a beat as I gulped.

"Sure thing!"


That was Shun-chan!

.... I actually didn't know it was Sarah-san's bday yesterday 'till I found Hii-chan's tweet about it.

I just finished this now, not in a flash.

But anyways! Happy birthday Sarah-san!

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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