Passing Time (RinPana)

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(Published November 1, 2021)

No One's POV

The group call ended just now. They had an online Halloween party, just the nine of them.

It was only the two of them in their Halloween outfits. Rin was staying over the night in Hanayo's apartment complex. The cat was already nearing exhaustion as she pounced on top of the brunette wearing a mouse costume.

"That was fun!" Rin nuzzles into the space between the neck and chest of Hanayo. The fur scarf on Hanayo's neck only becomes more comfortable the more Rin sinks into it.

"It really was. All their outfits were really cute too. I get Kotori-chan, Honoka-chan and Umi-chan, since they were together. Kotori-chan surely happily made their outfits." Hanayo giggles at the thought as she leans her back to the wall and brings Rin close.

"Nico-chan probably forced Maki-chan to buy those clothes for them." Rin snickers at the sentiment. "And Eli-chan and Nozomi-chan had theirs-"

"Shipped to their place by an online shop." The two of says in unison that makes them let out some hearty laugh.

"Though I think, Nozomi-chan adjusted the sizes a bit to fit them better."

Rin immediately nods. A yawn comes out after quite a comfortable silence.

"Do you want to move to the bed, Rin-chan?" Hanayo lifts Rin's face to look at her properly.

"Before that, shouldn't we get out of these costumes?" Rin raises an eyebrow.

"We can also not take them off? They are cute after all. These cat ears are too fluffy and suit you too much." Hanayo tilts her head a little at the first statement. Then she reaches for the adorable cat ears on the hood and squishes them with satisfaction.

"I-I guess it is, but isn't that fur scarf itchy on your neck, Kayo-chin?" Rin looks down at the bare legs and nearly exposed thighs of Hanayo. She suddenly becomes embarrassed and gets back to looking at the relatively closed top of Hanayo's mouse costume.

"They're warm." Hanayo sinks into the scarf to emphasize her point. "Would you rather we wait for the chime of midnight?"

"That sounds like fun! There's still some time until the clock hits midnight. Should we play something?" Rin goes back to playing with Hanayo's hand.

Hanayo grabs hold of Rin's hand, stopping any further action. It made Rin look confused for a moment, then she looks at Hanayo's smiling face.

"You have something planned, Kayo-chin?" Rin asks with full curiosity.

Without another word, the brunette gently lets the cat off of her lap, lightly strokes her head, and stands up. She leaves smiling at the cat and disappears out of the bedroom.


Hanayo comes back with light steps on her feet and a box in her hands. It was a tall box that reads 'Jenga' on the cover.

"Let's try playing this together, Rin-chan." She settles back into her place beside the cat and carefully pushes her laptop to the side. She then gets the blocks out of the box, just by turning the box upside down after opening one side.

"What's this?" Rin takes the box into her hands and reads through the instructions behind the box.

"We take blocks and stack them as high as we can until it loses its balance. It's simple." Hanayo explains with an excited look on her face.

"You look like you have been looking forward to this, Kayo-chin." Rin tries to take on a teasing tone accompanied with her smug face.

"Yup. I'm very happy to get to play this with you Rin-chan." She replies with a beaming smile, it made the cat's heart to clench. Rin had to squint her eyes close at the brightness of her smile.

"Sure, let's play." Rin positions herself closer to the table.

"You mentioned that we need to get out of these costumes. So how about taking them off when you cause the fall of the Jenga tower."


Rin looks up from the blocks with a confused and taken aback face.

"We can change into pajamas then."

"Oh, it was just that. That's fine with me."

"Let's do rock-paper-scissors to determine who gets to play first." Hanayo shows her fist in front of Rin and the latter follows suit.

Rin loses the quick game and Hanayo starts the game.

The first few blocks were taken with ease, until the first wobble of the tower. It was Rin's turn yet again, but she pulls through with a relieved sigh right after. It was Hanayo who gets to make the tower fall. She immediately gets the fur scarf off of her neck. Rin couldn't help but let her eyes wander to the now bare neck of her girlfriend. She willfully closed her eyes and shook her head to get herself back in the game.

The game absolutely kept the two of them awake with the nerves they had to keep up with to play the game. They kept on playing until the two of them were now wearing the comfortable pajamas that Hanayo prepared beforehand.

"That was fun!" Rin exclaims as her whole body relaxes from the previous tense feeling of playing the game.

"It was pretty nerve-wracking. I was the first and last one to get the towar to fall. You are good at this game, Rin-chan." Now it is Hanayo who is succumbing to the warmth of Rin.

"You were good too, Kayo-chin. We better play with everyone too. I'm sure that would be fun! But probably with a different penalty." Rin scratches her cheek.

"Let's tell them in the group chat." Hanayo says but is making no plans to move away from her spot. "Maybe tomorrow..."

"I'm getting sleepy too. Let's move to the bed now." Rin taps on the brunette on top of her lap, but the latter really has no plans on moving away from her spot.

Rin defeatedly sighs and lifts Hanayo up from their current position. She can definitely hear Hanayo's soft giggles into her left ear.

Hanayo is gently placed on the bed and Rin lies beside the brunette. Hanayo took the short time to look at the time from her phone and smiles to herself.

She welcomes Rin into her embrace and whispers into her ear.

"Happy birthday, Rin-chan."

The said girl smiles as she reciprocates the embrace and happily falls asleep.

Hanayo takes the silence and the rhythmic breaths hitting her neck as telltale signs that Rin has fallen asleep. She then lightly strokes the orange hair and falls asleep herself not soon after.

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