Glasses (KotoUmi)

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(Published September 7, 2019)

Kotori's POV

"Umi-chan!" I called out as she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Umi-chan?" I repeated, worried as I was waving my hand in front of her, near her face.

"W-w-what is it, Kotori!?" She exclaimed in response as she quickly stepped back, covering her face in embarrassment.

"You were spacing out... We are even on a date and you're out in the clouds..." I replied as I gave her a pout which in turn made her face beet red.

"D-d-d-date..! Don't call it a d-date!" She retorted as it made me frown in disappointment.

"Then, what do you want me to call it if it's not a date?" I asked, sadness evident in my voice which made her gulp as I tilted my head and moved a little bit closer to her.

"...nnn... A... date..." She replied nervously as she was trying not to look to my eyes and sighed in defeat.

"See! It is one!" I exclaimed in happiness

"Hey, Kotori..." She started as I noticed her staring which just made me smile.

"What is it, Umi-chan?" I asked as I gave her my full attention.

"Why are you wearing those?" She asked as she motioned to the accessory I was wearing over my eyes.

"Oh, these?" I responded as I moved my glasses and continued. "They match with the outfit I am wearing today, is it bad?"

(She's not wearing the one in the photo, she's wearing a casual outfit...)

"No! It really looks good on you." She complimented me.

"Hehe, thank you Umi-chan. You also look good on yours. Those really suit you." I responded back with enthusiasm as I was putting my hand to my cheeks in admiration.

"T-thank you..." She said in low tone but enough for me to hear it as she was holding her bag close.

"It's really pretty, isn't it?" I said to change the topic and shifted my attention to the display in front of us.

"Yes." She agreed as she also looked at the jewelry inside their boxes and smiled.

"Would you like one, Kotori?" She asked as she turned her gaze to me.

"Yes!" I readily agreed as I was really happy. "A ring would definitely be lovely." I mumbled to myself which made her surprised in response.

"A r-ring!?"

"Yes, why?" I asked in confusion as she was overreacting.

"That's supposed to be my line!" She retorted.

"You don't want to put a mark on me, saying that I'm taken?" I asked to confirm as she kept on denying everything today.

What's wrong with you, Umi-chan? I thought to myself as I mentally sighed.

"That's not the case." She replied as she held my hand.

"What is it, then?" I asked as tears were starting to come out.

"It's that, won't they think it's weird?" She whispered to my ears as she wiped the tears that came out with her free hand.

"What's weird? Girls dating each other?" I whispered in repsonse which she nodded in agreement.

"Don't mind that, Umi-chan." I happily said as it was not what I thought it was.

"Of course, I would mind!" She retorted again.

"Why would you mind, even Nozomi-chan and Eli-chan don't mind and also Nico-chan and Maki-chan." I cited examples as it was normal for us in muse.

"That's..." She managed to say before nodding in defeat. "Fine, so which of those would you want in your hand?"

"Yay!" I leapt to the display they have in happiness.

"What should I do? They're all so pretty, it's so hard to choose." I hummed happily as I looked closely to each and every ring they have on display.

I took too much time in choosing which made Umi-chan step froward and also looked over at the rings.

"Why don't we go with this?" She suggested as she pointed to the ring with a gem over it, it was sapphire and a gold body to match.

It's the color of her eyes and hair... I thought as I smiled at the realization.

"Yes, we can go with that." I agreed, not mentioning the similar colors it has with her.

She bought two of those so we could match. I was so happy as I quickly took it out of its box and wore it. Later, Umi-chan also wore hers. Both of which were on our left fingers. It's like we're engaged! I mean we officially are which she probably will not directly admit if I mention it later when we go home to our apartment.

"Say, Umi-chan..." I started as we were already walking our way out of the mall.

"Hm?" She hummed in response as she faced me and was holding my hand.

"I would like to see you in glasses." I said in a teasing tone.

"You already saw me wearing one, when we were figuring out what to do for halloween a few years back." She explained as she was trying to convince me.

"That was different, so how about wearing the one I'm wearing now?" I said as I already took off my glasses and worked it over to put it on her face.

"K-kotori?" She said my name as I motioned her to stay still which made her avert her eyes to the side.

"There!" I said as I was happy with my work.


"Kotori! When did you take out your phone?" She asked as she was trying to get my phone out of my hand.

"Just now~" I teasingly said as I run ahead with me waving my hand that holds my phone.

"Kotori, wait up!" She also catches up with me but was also smiling.

"You look beautiful wearing that, Umi-chan." I said out of nowhere as we were nearing our apartment.

"W-wha-!" She managed to say as she was already blushing so hard at the compliment.

"I love you!" I continued as I took her hand in mine and pulled her with me and entered the apartment.

"K-kotori!?" She said in shock which just made me smile at her.

"I love you too..."


That was Shun-chan!

Sorry, I don't know much about fashion so I didn't put much details into what they were wearing.

Anyways, that's it for today!

If you have any suggestion with which ship I should write next, feel free to comment!

As always,

Thanks for dropping by!

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