Concern (YohaMaru)

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(Published July 6, 2019)

Yoshiko's POV

Hanamaru called me on the phone, asking to see me.

This was weird because, it was usually me who calls first.

Worried, I hurriedly went out of home and headed to where she asked to meet up.

I got to admit, I was pretty nervous as I walked through the beach going the way to Hanamaru's house. I don't know why and what she wants to talk about.

She just said, "I need to talk to you. Meet me at my house, now." What was even weirder was that she didn't add a 'zura' to her statement.

I really wonder what's wrong with her now. Of course I care about her, she's very much a special person to me.

As kept on wondering about that stuff, I realized I finally arrived below the steps that I have to climb to get to her house. This will be exhausting, I know it.

"...Finally..." I got to say between huffs. As always, it was a long hike to get to the top. Why is their temple on top of the mountain anyway?

After catching my breath, I took my phone out and dialed her number.

"Zuramaru, I'm outside your wooden gate right now."

"Okay, wait a minute zura~" She said before ending the call.

Is there really something wrong? I don't think anything bad happened though.

A minute later, the wooden gate creaked and opened which showed my adorable girlfriend.

"Come here, zura!" She said as she pulled me into their temple and closed the gate.

I just let her drag me away as I let myself drown in my thoughts again and smiled.

We arrived to her room now and let me seat on the floor and she sat herself on her bed.

"So what is it you want to talk about, my little demon?" I asked as I let myself relax on the floor.

"Don't you have anything you have to say, Yoshiko-chan?" She asked.

"I told you it's Yohane!" I complained.

"Fine, fine. Yohane-chan, don't you have anything you have to say to me?" She asked as she looked straight to my eyes.

"No, not anything that I know of." I answered, curious what she wants to know.

"Yohane-chan, can you lift up your shirt, zura?" She asked as her eyes started to water, why?

"I can do that but why?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"Just lift your shirt up, I want to see your body, zura." She answered as I saw a tear fall down to her cheek.

"Okay, okay. I'll do it so stop crying. I don't even know why you're crying." I said as I went near her and wiped her tears away and hugged her tight.

I lifted my shirt up, she cried a lot more. I don't think there's anything wrong with my body. Then, I looked down to see my torso all bruised up why? It doesn't even hurt. Oh, so this was it...

"You, were you bullied or something because I saw getting hit by someone, zura." She got to say as she cried more.

She saw that!? It was not something she had to see too. This is bad.

"No, no, no. That wasn't bullying nor violence. I was just fighting for something." I let go of my shirt and got to wear it again. Then, I went to her again and hugged her, comforted her.

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