Felix X Reader- Failed Exam (Request)

Start from the beginning

Later that day, (Y/N) headed to the training grounds, where Felix had been training FOR the lady des hours.

She had hoped that he had stopped training for today, but, when she finally arrived there, she fell face to face with her boyfriend who was fighting with his good old sword, alone.

Not wishing to interrupt, she stood there for a little while, hoping that at some point, he would notice her.

But Felix was so entranced in his training that he didn't even turn around to see her.

So, (Y/N) finally decided to make her presence known.

"Hello Felix."

Finally, Felix turned his head around. Just by the sound of her voice, he knew it was her, but, although he wished to give her a small smile (he knew she liked his smile a lot), he didn't, and instead, just helloed her back, then went back to his training.

(Y/N) was a bit disappointed by him not really taking her into count, so she joined him. She really wished to at least try and take his mind of training.

"Felix? Felix, I know you're mad about not passing your exam- but that doesn't mean that there isn't a next time. The school year isn't over yet."

Felix didn't respond, but, as soon as (Y/N) touched his arm, he stopped fighting.

"Felix? Are you alright? How about you take a break? You can train more later."

She smiled a little, "You know, Felix. I've got a little surprise for you, back in my room."

Felix looked back at her with a quizzical look, "What is it?"

"I can't tell you- or else I'll spoil the whole thing... So will you take a break with me?"

Felix stood quiet until he finally answered her question with a sigh, "...Alright."

(Y/N)'s face lit up, and so, grabbing onto his arm, she led him out of the training grounds.

"I cannot wait to sho you the surprise, Felix! You're going to enjoy it so much!"

For the first time that week, Felix smiled genuinely.


"Yes, really! Oh, we're here."

(Y/N) proceeded to open the door, and as they got in, she made her boyfriend sit down on the bed, but as she let go of his hand, she noticed a small cut on his hand.

She gasped, "Felix! You've cut yourself! Hoe come I haven't noticed this before? Stay still, I'll search for some bandages."

(Y/N) immediately got to digging through her things to find those bandages, "Goddess, where are they... Forgive me, Felix, but the surprise will have to wait."

Felix frowned, "You don't have to search for bandages. It's just a small cut. I've had worse."

"It's a wound nonetheless- Ah, there they are."

Picking up her bandages, (Y/N) sat on the bed by Felix. She then proceeded to bandage the cut.

"I'm not much of a doctor, but this should do for now."

"Thank you... But, that wasn't necessary."

(Y/N) didn't pay much attention to his last sentence, as she got to searching the present.

"Now, for the surprise.. There it is! Close your eyes, Felix!"

"Do I really have to?"

"Yes! You must! Now, do as I said!"

Felix rolled his eyes at (Y/N)'s silly antics, but did as he was told nonetheless.

"... Can I open them now?" Felix asked, on an annoyed tone.

"Yes, you may!"

Finally opening his eyes, Felix fell face to face with a magnificent sword in (Y/N)'s hands.

Taking it in his one, he stared in awe at the gift.

(Y/N), happy to see him so engrossed in the gift, couldn't help holding back a little giggle, "Surprise."

"This is..."

"The sword of Zol... tan! Yes, that's the name! Apparently, he's one of the..."

"... One of the finest blacksmiths in all of Fodlan."

"Exactly! Do you like it, my love?"

Felix looked up at her, a smile on his face, "I'm... really touched by the gift. Thank you. But why?"

"Well, you were so sour because of the exam. I just had to cheer you up somehow."

The blue haired swordsman frowned, "You shouldn't have. This must've cost a fortune."

This was the first time she saw him show a softer side, but she took the change gladly.

"It's true. It was anything but cheap, but you know how I always love to give you gifts."

"You're way too kind, for your own good."

(Y/N) smiled, "So you've told me countless times before."

"I should probably give you something back, shouldn't I? Is there something you need?"

"I don't need much. I just," her cheeks turned pink, "I'd like to spend the rest of the day with you. Is that something you can do for me?"

Looking away, Felix felt the heat turns Ing up his cheeks, "... I suppose."

And so, the couple spent the rest of the day in each other's company. (Y/M) had succeeded. She was finally able to cheer him up.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now