A Pokemon Adventure Part 8

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to come with me?" John asked. The shinx smiled.

'Shin!' it said happily. So the friends headed off to the town.

Upon arriving in the new town, the pair entered the pokemon centre and healed their pokemon. They then proceeded to the video phone but... "Out of order!!?? You're kidding me!!" John sighed. Again.

"It might be easier just to walk to the Professor's place" he remarked.

"Let's just go beat this town's gym leader and go to the next city." replied Chris.

No sooner than they had left the pokemon centre than there was a scream.

"It came from this direction," said Chris, ever the hero. They rushed around the corner with their pokemon to see a Team Rocket man with two pokemon, known as a zubat and a ratatata, courtesy of John's pokedex.

"Give me your pokemon!" he roared at the girl, who shivered in fright, holding her pokemon close to her.

"Hey!" Chris shouted.

"What!?" the goon exclaimed, then, noticing their pokemon, continued, saying, "hey, I'll finish you off, get your pokemon, and then get this girl's pokemon."

"This is a chance to try out my new pokemon," said John, releasing shinx.

"Use spark," John commanded. The little pokemon let loose an amazing spark to /Somehow/ instantly fell both the opposing zubat and ratatata.

"Grrrrr... We'll get you next time!" said the goon, fleeing in the direction of the forest.

"Thank you," the girl said, "he wanted to steal my little buneary. We haven't had that much training yet."

"That's fine. Hey, I just thought of something we've been forgetting," said John, "have you heard anything about a boy named Clark?"

"Actually, I know a Clark. He's my friend. I'm Jane, and we both got a pokemon from Professor Jacob along with three other people. Why? Did something happen to him?"

"Yes, we think that something has happened to him. His pokemon came back to the lab in very bad condition, not long after he left," John said.

"Oh, that's terrible, I will keep an eye out for anything about him."

"Ok, we should be going now. Bye," said Chris.

They walked over to the gym, which was luckily not a long walk. They then proceeded to enter the gym, and walked to the podium where the gym leader was. When they saw who it was, John gasped. It was Jay, the woman he met in the forest.

"So you finally got here. I'd like to see how strong you are..."

------------ Gym battle two, Jay, the flying type------------

"This battle is two on two. Each of you can use one pokemon, and I will use two." said Jay.

"All right! Go, shinx!" said John.

"Time for you, starly!" said Chris.  

"Let's go, pidgeotto, mantyke!" the four pokemon landed on the floor.

"Starly, use wing attack on pidgeotto!"

"Pidgeotto, use gust!"

"Mantyke! Use your bounce!" starly and pidgeotto attacked each other, while mantyke bounced up into the air. John saw his chance. Pidgeotto was distracted, so...

"Shinx! Use spark on pidgeotto!"

Shinx threw a ball of sparkly electricity at pidgeotto. Fortunately, it was a dead-on hit. Unfortunately, it also hit starly because their wings were touching when the spark hit. Both pokemon fainted. It was now one-on-one, shinx vs mantyke. 

The mantyke came down after bouncing up. Luckily, it missed shinx.

"Mantyke! Use aqua veil!"

The mantyke fully surrounded itself with a veil of water.

'Wonder what that does?' thought John. 'I'm about to win anyway, I'm sure it doesn't matter.'

Aloud, he said, "Okay shinx, use spark!" He was sure this would defeat mantyke. Shinx threw a ball of electricity at mantyke. But this time, it hit the shield of water and got redirected into the ground. "W-wha?"

"Now, mantyke use your tackle!" It hit shinx dead-on, shinx almost fainted, but held on.

"I got it! Shinx, use charge" Shinx started to glow with charged-up electricity.

"Now, tackle!" shinx understood. It charged right through the shield, tackling mantyke and simultaneously releasing the charged-up electricity, making mantyke faint. Jay smiled.

"You did well, though I admit having a little help. Father told me you were coming."

"Who's your father?" Jay's smile told of untold secrets.

"Oh, he just runs the bike shop."

"That means---you're Jack's sister," Chris realized.

"Yes. Anyway, you should go now, continue on your journey. Oh, and I almost forgot - here are your wing badges," she said, handing them each a badge. They accepted the badges and respectively placed them beside their other badge. Suddenly, shinx began to glow with an odd light. It evolved into a luxio! John returned the newly evolved luxio to it's pokeball. They then left the gym and found themselves in utter chaos.

Next part - what, or who is team rocket after? Where is the next city anyways? And, of course, the next gym leader!

... Team Rocket is after -----. The next city is --------- And the next gym leader is epic... Fail... :D And the chaos is epic, too. :D

Thanks for reading!

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