A Pokemon Adventure Part 8

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Hope you all like the edited part 8! :D

Chapter eight - Finally, gym leader two - The airy flying type leader.

Recap - Last chapter they beat the first gym leader and got two bikes from the man from the bike shop.

"Hhheerre little pikachu, here," said Chris, sighing when the pikachu got out from it's hiding spot, and before Chris's starly could attack it, scampering away. When he and John had decided to split up to search for electric pokemon, he never imagined it would be this hard. 'I wonder how John is doing,' he thought sadly...


"Okay Riolu, where did you say that electric aura was?" John asked his small aura pokemon.

'To the northeast of here,' riolu thought-spoke.

"Got it," John replied, heading that way. Suddenly - 'Shi!' a small electric blue and yellow pokemon jumped out of the bushes.

"All right! Go, riolu!"


"Use quick attack"

It speedily attacked the shinx, which responded with an electric attack that looked like a small spark. The spark did a little damage to riolu.

"Now! Force palm!" John's riolu attacked with a force palm.

"Yes! It paralyzed the pokemon!" John threw a new great ball* at the paralyzed pokemon and heard a satisfying 'click', after it rolled on the ground three suspenseful times. Checking his pokedex, he saw the electric pokemon was known as a shinx.

*Available at the Pokemart near you.

"Great! I have to tell Chris! Riolu, where is Chris?" John asked.

'I feel a little paralyzed from spark, but I think there is a human aura this way' riolu answered, pointing.

"Got it" He walked into a clearing to find an odd scene - a young woman was fighting against a Team Rocket goon. It was a bird-like pokemon vs the Team Rocket goon's two dark blue pokemon, that looked like bats. It looked like she was winning so he decided not to interfere.

"Use power gust!" The bird-like pokemon flapped it's wings hard to create a gust much more powerful than the average one. The gust hit right on to fell both bat-like pokemon.

"I'll get you next time!" the goon yelled, running off and stopping only to return his pokemon to their pokeballs. John walked over to her.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Hmmm? Oh, just one of those pesky Team Rocket goons."

"My name's John. What's yours?"

"Jaylee. Call me Jay. What are you doing in this forest?"

"hmmm(I don't think I should tell her everything) me and my partner are looking for Aerial Town."

"Oh, it's right over there." She pointed north, "right through this clearing."

"Ok. Thanks!"

Jay walked off towards the city, and John was about to look for Chris when suddenly the Chris in question burst through the bush.

"Here pikachu! Pika pika pika! Oh. Hi John. Had any luck?"

John released shinx and, while feeding it a few sitrus berries, told Chris what had happened.

"We should battle that woman sometime. She was really powerful."

Almost immediately after being fed the sitrus berries shinx stood up looking healthy.

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