The Light of Day [The Darkened Time Series Book 3] ~ 14

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Who Was Hoping I'd Start a New Story


And now... We're back... For the second-to-last chapter! Today, we will have multiple intermissions, in which we will explore the Kinetic Molecular Theory! (KMT)

The reason for this is because I'd like to prove that reading a suspenseful pokemon fanfiction online DOES teach you things. Ya can't say you learn nothing! XD Also, because I need more material for this chapter, to fill in LARGE gaps... XD

But wait- there's more! Because I'm suddenly editing, I've decided that I really don't feel like giving you a late chapter then making you LEARN something (for Pete's sake, it's a punishment! O.o) So I've edited out the intermission. And put in me saying sorry for this chapter being late! What are we waiting for? Let the lengthening of the chapter begin!

And now: A recap! Because it means a larger chapter! :D

Gavin and Kiriel are approaching Mount Reyap, but they feel an ominous feeling, as if someone is watching them. Our Starravia-riding person encounters a shape-shifting ditto, and now the chase is on!

And I feel depressed that's all there is to recap... XD

Now, for our feature presentation!


I rub my eyes. The world seems to be getting darker, and it's getting harder and harder to see in front of me.

"Whoa!" Kiriel shouts.


"Here we go!"

I squint, and, only a few metres in front of me, I see the outline of the base of the mountain.


"Okay. Since Ilovetoread72 can't think of anything to do, let's realize the mountain is too steep to climb!"

"But didn't you climb it in The Shadows of Dusk?"

-Millions of people stare at me-

A/N: Uh... I can explain... Uh... Well, you see, I w-


A/N: Please. Well, I... Uh... Wait. Maybe... Ah-hah! Back to the story!


"Okay. I think the mountain is too steep to climb. I used my pidgeot last time I got up there, and even that was a stretch. Even though Team Rocket has helicopters, there's gotta be another way..."

"Okay... Uh... Then, let's go look for a set of stairs, or something."

---/???/1 Hour Later/???/---

I peer at them again. I've been watching them circle the mountain - looking for some sort of magical staircase, or something. I, of course, know where one is... But they'll never find it. It's so well hidden, the chances of them finding it are so minimal...

"Kiriel! Over here!"

Well, what do you know? I guess it took them long enough.

"Whoa... Look at that! There's a gaping hole in the mountain!"

"Guess... They might have a hope," I whisper, then leap off the tree, and land behind a rock. At the same time, this is my fault.


Doo dee doo... Well, I'm actually sorry for this chapter.

Like, I'm sorry for the chapter itself. It definitely wasn't my best writing. But I really, really am not/was not feeling like it.

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