A Pokeslot Adventure (Part 1)

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Back about 5, 10 chapters ago, Chris and John split up at the game corner. Now, let's see what REALLY happened to John.

"Sweet! I'm SO going to check out the pokeslots!!"

"you do that, John. See ya!"

-15 minutes later-

"Woot! I finally got something!? It says, Go to the Front Desk to Claim Your Prize.''

"hello, may I help you?'' said the clerk, as John approached.                                                        

"yes, uh... the pokeslot machine said to come to the front desk to claim my prize?"

"oh, you must be the... 'ahem' lucky winner of our training spontanza."


"you can go to the newly discovered region, the Selio Region*, for 5 hours.

*The Selio Region, the Pokemon found in the Selio region, and the Selio Rgion's characters are a trademark of LifeUpStudios' A Pokemon Journey of 5.

"okay, but how-"

Cutting him off mid-sentence, the clerk continued. "you will take this journey through a space-warp."

"B-but that's impossible!!! They won't even be invented for the next seven hundred years!!!"

"Yes, but anything is possible in side-stories."

"so this is a side-story?"

"yes," the clerk replied, "after a while you start to be able to sense them."

"but if what I've heard is true.." he stammers, pulling his hand out of his pocket, "then I can-" 'SNAP' "snap my fingers and make a soda appear. 7-up! My favourite!!!"

"but it doesn't work that way after you've space-warped."

"oh. So I can't just win any battle I want?"

"no. I've tried."

"how? If this side story has only existed for the last 17 minutes??"

"you're not the only one from the original..."

"oh. Anyway can I get going and warp now for Pete's sake?"

"yes but first I have to explain the rules. As the author was quite sadly unable to find the chapter where you visited this game corner in the first place (after a good half hour of searching, too) your Pokemon's level will be reduced to a rough estimate of when that happened. And then 10 levels will be cut off from that. (these sweepstakes rules are cruel) This matter will only be present during your time in the Selio <TM> region, the effects will be reversed when you get back. You also may only bring one pokemon with you. Have a nice trip!"

"wha-wait!" exclaimed John as he suddenly began to be sucked into a dark warp hole. "wha-"


And so ends part one in...

A Pokeslot Adventure!   [in the Selio<TM> region]

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