25- Party

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Chapter 25!!!

Hooray! As of this chapter, A Pokemon Adventure has completed 25 chapters of the main plot! Amazing. It seems like it has been such a long time since I started, yet it has only been roughly 6 months since I joined and immediately started this book. Before I continue with the actual plot of this chapter, (yes, it actually does have one :D ) I would like to thank some others that helped make this possible, and made me a better writer.

Firstly, I would like to thank all those whose books I read first when I joined.

Thank you.

Second, I would like to thank... rats! How do those people on TV do it? They're all like; First, I'd blah blah blah blah blah second blah blah interest blah third blah inspiration blah, etc.

Like, honestly, how is that even humanely possible? Anyways, if you think I should have thanked you, just message me and I (might) do it next chapter. Anyway, here's your 1-chapter (possibly more) side-story, to commemorate 25 chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it is implied that I am happy)

*yawn* John yawns. He sits up in bed, and looks around, surprised at his surroundings. The small, nicely lit room in which he had slept was different, in fact for some reason he wondered how he had gotten there. Spotting Chris on the bed opposite, he got up got dressed, and had a shower.

Opening the door out of the bathroom, he saw Chris, walking towards him. "where are we?" Chris asked, voicing the problem that had been on John's mind since he woke up.

"I don't rightly know," came the confused reply.

They packed up their things, and, about to leave, found themselves faced with a /clerk?/ that had somehow just appeared from nowhere, defying all known laws of physics and logic.

<gasp>, John gasped, "this means this must be-"

"a side-story!" the clerk squealed, happily finishing John's sentence. "because this chapter commemorates the 25th chapter of the main plot, we're celebrating through... a sidestory," she said, trailing off at the end.


"so for today, you get to party! The entire day! And your Pokemon are invincible. See ya!" she ended, once more disappearing with the same old, boring an failure 'pop'.

"all right!" exclaimed Chris, punching the air with his fist, "let's go beat up some tough trainers and win money!"

And they spent the entire day happily, getting tons of money and prizes.

Basically, they celebrated.

I'm happy.

Now it's the end of the day.

"now," says the clerk, appearing from nowhere again,

"time to go home. Oh and you lose everything you earned today, except for one percent."

"WHAT!?" Chris and John exclaimed simultaneously.

"you see the entire point of this chapter was... Well... I don't know, to celebrate? But other than that it's pretty darn pointless. So now it's time for this chapter to end."


The end. The next chapter will be delayed a little while I wait for people to post on my board, saying:

"hey! I think I should be thanked!"

And I have absolutely nothing against that. Really, it's much appreciated.

No Authorthoughts this time, really sorry about that but there will be next chapter.

^_^ End chapter 25 ^_^

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