The Shadows of Dusk [The Darkened Time Series Book 1] ~ 12

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---XII- Part V of Chapter III---

And the growlithes attacked.

"Ember!" the policemen and women shouted at once.

The place where I am... Or was, was light with embers of fire.

"Where did he go?"

"What happened!?"

"What did... He do?"


"Look up," Gavin stated simply.

A few Police people gasped...

"It evolved!?"

"Pidgeot!" I exclaimed, happily.

"I hoped that stone would help you evolve..." I reminisced, about the oval-ish gray stone that I had much earlier given to my pidgeotto, not long after it evolved.

I had hoped it would help it evolve... But it never did...

Pidgeot had me by my arm, and while it hurt like crazy, I was basically going hyper.

***Once more, this is a Pokemon Adventures FanFiction. In said FanFiction, one character has his murkrow carry him with his arm... Kinda hard to explain... Read the manga...

"Get me outta here!" I exclaimed, and Pidgeot flew away from the forest.

I flew away, far from both the police, and, I hoped, team rocket.

--Back with the police--

"He got away," said an angry police man, through gritted teeth.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," said a policewoman.

"Don't worry," said Gavin smugly

Everyone looked at him.

Gavin smiled. "Heh, I planted my tracer on him during the battle."

Everyone grinned.

"Everyone, get back to base. We need a helicopter, or two," instructed a policewoman.

"I'm going after him with you," said Gavin simply.

"No, it's too-"

Gavin cut him off, "We never got to do a proper pokemon battle..." He tossed the three pokemon he had used against him at an officer.

"Thanks, but no thanks. My pokemon... I really can't wait for a rematch..."

He reached into his backpack, and pulled out four pokeballs...


I looked out of the small cavern. Safe, and comfortable, I knew I had forgotten something. But, whatever, it doesn't matter... I've got my life back in my hands, in my control. If no one finds me here, I'll go back in, say, five years? I dunno. Whatever. Still knowing I had forgotten something important, I leaned back and let sleep take me...


Whoa. So now he has TWO trackers on him, one from the police and one from Team Rocket.

Maybe I should just end the story here.

JUST KIDDING!!! Of course not. I REALLY want to see how this turns out. Even though I probably should know....

Helicopters, eh? Well, time will be a little distorted next chapter... But still. I have to have him catch two pokemon really soon, as he only... Currently... Has two... Unless I've forgotten one...

:D so I hope you enjoyed. Please check out my other story, 'The Elite Four... The Ultimate Goal...', as I am trying really hard to get LOTS feedback on it. Okay? Thanks for reading! :D

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