A pokemon adventure part15

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Chapter fifteen. The team rocket boss.

"My name is-" The team rocket leader was cut off in mid-sentence, when a piercing whine filled the air. "Finally!!! My time has come." He held out the blue stone, and both John and Chris gasped as they realized it was glowing vibrantly. "Dialga and palkia will both be under my control! I will succeed where all my predecessors have failed!" The blue stone started to pulsate. Then, two glowing things appeared, from large portals. "Palkia! And Dialga!"

John and Chris stared at the massive pokemon. Something clicked in john's mind, remembering the painting back at the old inn in chapter 13.

"Now!" the team rocket leader yelled. "this world shall be under my control," he said, his attention once more on Chris and John. "I never told you my name! It will be the last piece of knowledge you shall ever have! It is-" he was cut off once more by john's lucario, Luke, hitting him with a fierce uppercut to his jaw. He was thrown back. "Diaaall---" came a choked cry. Dialga's eyes glowed, and time reversed before john's and chris's very eyes. "llaaaiD-" came the reversed cry as suddenly the team rocket leader was standing there. "Now! Palkia! Show them my power!!!!!" Palkia glowed. "hey- nothings happening," exclaimed John. "lucar-" lucario was staring blankly ahead, with no trace of the energy it had been showing only moments earlier. "now," said the team rocket leader maniacally, "Kill them." Lucario rounded on the two friends, now with bloodlust in his eyes. It lunged.

~sorry, writers block. Much more next time~

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