Part 21

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Chapter 21

My plan is that either chapter 25, 30, 35, 45, or 50 will be the final chapter.

Rumble rumble rumble..... On the train to the elite four, John has just realized-

"Ack! We're running out of money! [good thing they have an ATM on the train]"

After searching the train for over ten minutes, John finally finds the ATM.

"First, to swipe my good'ol credit card..." "Now, to enter my pin-" •••• <are you sure you would like to withdraw exactly 200P?> ~yes~ <have a good day.>

"now that I have over 200P burning a hole in my pocket, the plot can continue." 

Screeeeech! "hey, why are we stopping?" 

"let's go find out," replies Chris, already opening the door out of their cramped compartment.

Suddenly, a voice comes out of the PA system. "WE, Team Rocket, ( (or reach us at our phone, ••• ••• ••••, or email, •••••••••@•••••.•••) HAVE HIJACKED THIS TRAIN. 


"let's stop them!!" said John, running of toward the cockpit.(or whatever you call it on a train)

Entering the cockpit(...?), they see two team rocket people. 

"go! Ratatata!" came their voices simultaneously. 

"..." "beat em up! Lucario!  

"Luke use close combat!" -ratatata has fainted- 

"Luke use close combat again" -the other ratatata has fainted- 

"run! They're just too powerful!" yelps one rocket, breaking the cockpit window and running off. 

"they coulda just used the door ...?"

Meanwhile, at the A Pokemon Adventure Headquarters...

"Mister CEO, I believe they just spent an entire chapter on a train." "That is a new low, even for us. Next chapter something exciting must happen." 


Why hello. I am the afterwords editor. What would you like today? Possibly a "meanwhile", or just a simple afterword? Perhaps a mix of both?


-in Texas- 

/in a book club/class/ 

"why hello everyone. I trust you are keeping up on your reading." 

/to a chorus of 'yes ma'am's/ 

"well, Johnny, could you summarize the plot of the latest chapter of the book you're reading?" 

"yes ma'am. Well, in a Pokemon adventure part 21, John and Chris spend an entire chapter in a train." 

"could you outline...?"  

"well, they get money out of an ATM, they beat up a couple rocket goons... oh, and they have an incredibly long and boring afterword which everyone reads anyway." 

"thank you Johnny. Now Joe, could you summarize the plot of the story your reading?" 

"Well, I would, but it's superior plot and the fact that characters are a) more well described b) better 

c) the story is updated much more often, and d) the fact that it does NOT spend entire chapters on trains would make Ilovetoread72's plot look rath--

-yes, I do realize that 

A) They did just spend an entire chapter on a train and did nothing but take money out of an ATM and battle a few team rocket goons 

B) I do not describe my characters well enough. Hopefully, that will change in the next few episodes 

C) I do not update fast enough. This is due to 

1) the fact that I have tons of homework 

2) I do not have wifi. 

(2 more than 1) 

And D) My afterwords are much, much too long and random. 

-End chapter 21-

(:D- I just created a hotmail account:  :D)

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