30- Cheeseburgers From FastFoodDude

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Chris fell to his knees. He panted hard, holding out his pokeball to bring back his pokemon. He lost!?

His dad got his attention. "Chris! I just came here to check on you, to see how well you're doing! And you're doing well! I'm leaving now, so I forfeit! Goodbye!"

He disappeared. How, we will never know.

Chris stood up, and walked up the stands once more, silently.

He sat down beside John. "How...? Am I powerful enough to...?"

John reassured him. "Remember, you said your dad used to be a part of the international police. He could probably beat the Elite Four easily enough himself."

 Chris smiled. He looked out over the stadium. No matter what happened, he would keep going, and never stop. He would keep on fighting, never t-

"THE NEXT BATTLE IS JOHN VS SOME RANDOM GUY!" yelled the loudspeaker.

A teenager, roughly 16 or 17, walked down to the stadium arena. He was wearing navy blue jeans and a dirty green shirt, his misty blue eyes holding many an untold secret, many hard times. He looked as though he had been through many fights, and had a bloody nose and a gash on his left arm that was at least two inches long. His eyes never lingered on one single spot, constantly keeping watch in all directions.


John had already thrown his pokeball before the loudspeaker finished.

A ball of electricity formed where the ball opened.

"Ray!" came the cry from the doglike Pokemon that emerged.

His opposer threw a pokeball as well. Out of it came a doglike whitish Pokemon with a yin-yang shaped horn on it's head. It was strong and menacing, it's teeth bared and mighty muscles flexed.

"Slam!" ordered the teen.

"Counter with discharge!" replied John, thinking on his feet.

The other pokemon flew towards Spark.

Spark started charging for the powerful discharge, and let it out seconds before the other Pokemon would collide. At that distance, it was a sure one-hit-KO.

So I might as well end the chapter there. Because you already know what's going to happen. -TH- what? You want more? Okay, okay.

"Detect!" yelled the opposing teenager. Somehow the Pokemon flipped over and deflected the attack with it's tail, sending the bolts right back at Spark. Of course, though, Spark simply absorbed them.

"Dark Pulse," he quickly commanded, before John even had time to react.

Unexpectedly, as if the opposing Pokemon had just jumped right into a pool of darkness, a ripple of darkness flew in all directions.

"Discharge!" Yelled John hurriedly. The bolts of electricity flew out of Spark and deflected the darkness.

"Now! Thunder!"

A huge bolt of lightning flew down from the clear, blue skay and hit the other Pokemon head-on.


"I didn't know they had cheese or burgers in the Pokemon world. Don't they both -usually- come from something called a cow?" Chris asked John once he had made his way back up the steps to their seats.

"You only... Heard... The advetisement?" John managed to push out through gritted teeth.

"Of course, that was the most interest-" realizing he had made a dire tactical error, Chris hastily changed gears. "Of course not, John. You were amazing. Too bad you lost, though..."

"But I won," replied John, a little confused.

"Oh. Right. Sorry, I forget things sometimes. Anyway, let's watch the next battle..."


I have to admit, I rather like this chapter. Because absols are awesome. Anyway, that would be the end of chapter thrity -Cheeseburgers from FastFoodDude-.

WILL John and Chris both progress through the Semi-Semi-Finals of the tournament?

And if so, what will be the outcome of a battle between Chris and John?

THE CHAPTER YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR-       31 -SemiSemiFinals and SemiFinals-

Available wherever Wattpad access is possible!!! (After it's been published, of course)


Whew. 30 chapters. I didn't ever think that this would happen, the entire evolution of A Pokemon Adventure. Most of it has just... happened. And the 4,400+ reads are proof that just... happening worked... =D Then again, it's not 10000 or 15000 hits... BUT I'M DEFINITELY NOT COMPLAINING... =D! This story has gone SO well... I'm amazed. =D Anyway, more 


Q. I'm totally the #1 fan of your story called... what's it named again???

 A. 0_o

Q. Sheesh. cant u actually get some1 2 profread ur wrk 4 u?

A. Certainly not you.

Q. :D :D :D I <3 ur books!!!!!!!!!!!!

A. Don't know why I included that... :D


To have your favourite pokemon put into this book or the sequel at one point, (no legendaries please) Private message me or just comment on this book's or my profile page's comment section and put this:

I have a question to put in your FAQ's page-


My fav pokemon is____________ (No legendaries or pokemon already majorly featured, or absol's cause they're my fav pokemon and I fit them in wherever I can anyways)



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