The End of Time [The Darkened Time Series Book Four] ~ 4

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who COMMENTS

Well, it looks like you're back. Whoever you are. Because sadly The End of Time isn't getting as much attention as I thought it would attract. Ah, whatever. For the lucky few who are reading this - Well, you're lucky. Enough said.

I'm thinking I'm going to do alternating chapters for a bit with Sarah and Caleb.

Yeah, please comment... Please...

But, I'd like to add something first: Yes, there will be more plot in the future including the boss of Team Rocket, an epic showdown ETC ETC. Everything you'd expect. But before I can start advancing the plot, I have to get through a HUGE amount of flashbacks. Which may, due to the amount of plot I have to cover in Lily and Caleb's memory, lengthen this book to over fifteen chapters. If it does, I'm budgeting twenty or so. But the short amount of chapters does not mean a short plot! I've got a huge amount of stuff to do before the epic ending, so continue reading... NOW!

Time for the chapter...


---/The Light of Day Chapter Four - Lily's Point of View - The Present/---

I sigh, and despite the fact I can't feel the pain from my arms, I know it's there. Thinking back to the beginning, I know it started innocently. It started out differently, yet alike to all those other stories. Tales of great and not-so-great trainers all had a beginning like ours. They all start with a trainer and his or her first Pokemon, best of friends. That's certainly an accurate description of us. Sarah and I.

Trainer and her Pokemon.

I guess there is a sense of naivety in all new trainers, and even their Pokemon. We had each a dream, her to become the best trainer and I to become a great partner. So, when Sarah came of age, we set off to defeat gyms.

It wasn't long before we came across Team Rocket. It was subtle at first, a break-in at a nearby Pokemon Center. Then it escalated - kidnappings, arson and sometimes even murder. In fact, it seemed to follow us. It wasn't aimed at us, but it was moving in a pattern, following us.

Then an old man in a Pokemon Center came up to Sarah and me. He started talking, haltingly, about some sort of company known as Team Rocket. Sarah had burst out, "They invented that amazing thing that stops people from feeling pain!". She thought they were amazing, but the man spewed things about how they were secretly planning the destruction of the world. We left the Pokemon Center quickly, but clearly his statement had troubled Sarah.

And then they attacked.


The sun was setting as I sat beside Sarah. "Could Team Rocket be that evil organization? The one that kidnapped my brother? I just don't know anything anymore, Lily."

"Kad, abra. Dab ra kad!" I tried to cheer her up, but it was futile.

"Maybe I should leave it overnight. Think about it some other time." Even though she hid it, I could see the tears brimming her eyes.

I sighed, as well as a Pokemon could sigh. "Kad ra ab."

She gulped, and stood up. "Lily, you're not going to be with me anymore. I've finally decided that I'm leaving you behind."

I blinked, looking at her. I was her most powerful Pokemon, what could she mean?

"I'm going alone."

I started to protest, but a red light flashed in my eyes and I felt the pull of the pokeball that I was subsequently enveloped in.

Everything went dark for a little bit. Then it brightened and I appeared once more in the world of the living.

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