A pokemon adventure part 13

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Chapter 13(maybe I should just skip this one and do chapter 14 instead)

This chapter has been slightly modified to fit the fact that I do not take suggestions for Team Rocket leader names anymore.

The friends checked out of their hotel. They walked out to [sound of pouring rain] find it was still pouring rain. "I don't care," said Chris, "let's just battle the gym leader. Maybe by then the rain will have stopped." They then headed toward the gym.

But when they entered, they were met with an unpleasant statement. "Hello, the gym leader is out for about five minutes," said the gym attendant.


"She's out watering the plants." (this is a laugh track moment, so...) [sounds of laughter] The gym leader returned quickly, sighing. "the poor plants. It was so wet I couldn't water them." (oh, I'm laughing as I write this) "it was so wet. I guess they'll have to wait till it stops raining. Hopefully the haven't died by dehydration before then." "uh..." "so would you two like to battle me?" "uh.... Sure," replied Chris.

gym battle six, Flora, the grass type

After ten minutes of fierce battling, they won. Also, flame evolved. This little battle may or may not be included in the later chapter 'battles you missed' on with the story

John left the gym with Chris following him. They checked into the nearest hotel and fell asleep to the sound of pouring rain. (If you're wondering why it's such a short day, they got up at 12:00 and went to bed at 4:00 or maybe had supper first, ...)

A suspicious building in a town not that far away.- 

A shadow seems to give way to a creature outside outside. The creature turns, and returns to the shadows  

Inside the building three creatures cry out in agony. And it begins to rain harder.

They woke up to the sound of pouring rain. "it still hasn't stopped?" Chris complained. "It's as if there is something about to happen, like in the movies." "[yawn] What was that?" "never mind..." "we should get a move on. The forecast says it's only going to rain harder, and maybe we can outrun the rain." So they headed off toward the next city, a village according to their map. Their journey was tough, as there were many high level pokemon on the path. 'ruuuu' "what was that," asked Chris, turning toward the sound. "don't know," John replied, heading toward it. They found a machoke beating up on a pokemon that seemed out of place, a snorunt. "lets help out," said John, releasing a pokemon. Luke appeared. It easily beat the machoke, returning to it's pokeball afterward. The little snorunt walked up to John. "do you want to come with us?" it nodded. 

They finally arrived at the village. The gym was right there, and since their pokemon were full health already they just went in. This gym, unlike the others they had encountered, had a path to the gym leader. There was lava on either side. "this place is hot," said Chris. "better than the rain outside," John replied, taking off his rain coat. They carefully walked to were the gym leader would be, being cautious of the lava on either side. But when they made it there, they realized there was no one there. "wha?!" They noticed a note on the ground. It read: 

To all ye fools who are here to try the impossible and beat the dragon master, he is out. If ye find him, he will battle thee. 

Dragon master drake.

"uh..." "hey, I know, I can call the man from the bike shop. He might know were he is." John pulled out his cell phone. 'NO RECEPTION' "right..." "probably whatever this ceiling is made of," said Chris. "maybe limestone?"  

They left the gym. Chris was right; as soon as they left the gym they got reception. "Hello?" Came the voice of the bike shop man, sounding tired for some reason. "yah, we were wondering were the seventh gym leader might be if he isn't in his room?" "uh... Oh! You mean Drake the dragon guy." "yah, that's him, do you know where he might be?" "go to the dungeon, he might be there." "thanks, bye."  

"now what and where is the dungeon?" He asked.  

They headed out toward the pokemon center to ask for directions, when they walked by someone.  

"Do you know where the dungeon is?" asked Chris. "The dungeon???? Well, I guess I might as well tell you, the dungeon is temporarily off-limits. Only the gym leader, and the elders, may enter. You need official permission. But, just so you know, it's over there." 

He walked off, shaking his head. "well, that was helpful," remarked John. "Uh-huh." They headed off toward the dungeon anyway. An old man was beside the entrance.  

"my grandson, he is in there. What is it you seek?" 

"We would like entrance to the dungeon," said John. "You must prove yourself first," he said in his raspy voice. "bring me the stone that resides in an old building in this village. The building has "Dracodale Inn" on a sign in front of it. The stone is yellow and blue, and precious." 

As much as our heroes wanted to just go in and face the gym leader, they headed toward the building, thinking 'How hard can it be?' A lot harder than you would think.  

When they first reached the inn, they knocked first on the rusty steel door. It seemed that this inn had been deserted for years. They entered, not knowing what to expect. 

Back at the dungeon-  

"he he he..."

They looked around in wonder. The inn was emmense in size. It was however completely deserted. The inn was -kind of- trashed.  

"anyway, we should find the stone and get out of here." said Chris. "sure, let's split up, I'll take upstairs and you take the downstairs."  

They split up. Going upstairs, John noticed an odd drawing on the wall that he had first taken to be part of the design. It was (he thought) a picture depicting a story. It showed three sprite-like creatures glowing. Two figures were close to them in the picture. One had four legs, the other two. They both looked dragon-like, powerful. There then was another part of the drawing showing the sprites fleeing, disaster, and another dragon-like creature in pain. The inscription read- We got what we desired, yet we still lost. Ultimately, we failed, while others stepped in to save, but defeat, us. Lest this be a warning to those of the future- do not meddle with that of ~~~~~ or~~~~~ (the ~~~~ is where the inscription was to faded to read.) 

The inscription ended there. "odd," said John. He then walked off, disregarding the inscription/drawing. He walked into the first room. He gasped. The room was huge, as if they only built the building for the one room. It seemed as though someone could live in it with their family for years, and not feel like there wasn't enough room. "wonder who lived here?.." he walked over to the dresser. Opening it, he saw a beautiful blue stone. "hey Chris! I found it!" he yelled, already working his way downstairs. They met up and immediately left for the dungeon. "wonder what this rock is," said John, holding it out. "Something that isn't that important," replied Chris. "like, why would they need something important. It was just a test, and we passed." They finally reached the dungeon, but no one was there. "huh?" they hurried down the steps to the dungeon. They entered the dungeon in haste, not knowing what to expect. Though they were completely ready for anything, what they saw when they entered surprised them greatly.

As you can see, chapter fourteen is already out. Please, though, if this is your first time reading this book, take a tiny bit of time to show your appreciation - if you liked it, vote - voting only takes a second or two. And if you've got anything to say, or if you just want to say you liked it and show your face, comment! It makes the day brighter.

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